Master Emotion Mind

One of the goals of DBT is to help people feel more in control of their emotions by teaching them how to identify emotions and use skills to manage them. Here, we will learn to Master Emotion Mind by learning to: 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why do I need emotion regulation skills? 

A: You need to learn new skills to stop or change unwanted emotions. These skills will help you be more more in control of your emotions

Q: Why can’t I just ignore my emotions?

A: You need emotions to reach your goals. The goal is NOT to get rid of emotions. 

Q: What do I need to learn? 

A: There are four main parts to emotion regulation: 

1) Know what emotions do for you 

2) How to name your emotions 

3) Strengthen your ability to prevent emotion mind 

4)  Control strong emotions so you don’t make things worse

We will learn new skills for each part of emotion regulation that will help you master Emotion Mind and reach your goals.

What Emotions Do for You

  • Prepare You for Action
    • Action Urge of specific emotions is often “hard-wired” in biology
    • Save time in getting us to act in important situations when we don’t have time to think things through
  • Communicate to Other People
    • Humans are social beings
    • Facial expressions, body language, and voice tone are “hard-wired” in biology
    • They communicate to other people how you are feeling faster than words
  • Communicate to Ourselves
    • Give us important information about what is happening around us
    • Can be signals or alarms that something is happening

What Emotions Are NOT

  • Facts about the world
  • The stronger the emotion, the stronger our belief that the emotion is based on fact
  • “I love them, so they must be good for me.” “I am afraid, so there must be danger.” “I feel unsure, so I can’t trust them.”

Myths About Emotions

  • Mistaken beliefs about emotions that get in our way of controlling them
    • Myths that emotions are bad or weak lead to avoiding emotions
    • Myths that extreme emotions are necessary or are part of who you are keep you from trying to control your emotions.
  • Here are examples of myths about emotion. For each one, think of an argument that challenges the myth:
    • Letting others know that I am feeling bad is a weakness.
    • Painful emotions are the result of a bad attitude.
    • Emotions should always be trusted.
    • Emotions just happen for no reason.


What Are Emotions?

Emotions are a combination of biological changes that happen in your body, thoughts you have about the changes in your body and the triggering event, and expressions/ actions.

DBT Model of Emotions Skill



An example of how to use the Emotion Model Skill



Fill in the blanks below to use the Emotion Model Skill





Emotion Model Examples of

Events, Thoughts, Biology, & Expressions


How to Change Unpleasant Emotions





How to PREVENT Unpleasant Emotions