
The Functional External Memory Aid Tool – FEMAT

  • The FEMAT is a performance-based measure of applied cognitive abilities and attempted compensation for adults with cognitive-communication disorders. The FEMAT is free for clinicians to download and can be accessed using the link above.

DANCERS – For a Brain Healthy Lifestyle

Educational Resources 

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs)

PROM Interpretation Guides


  • DementiaBank is a shared database of multimedia interactions for the study of communication in dementia. Access to the data in DementiaBank is password protected and restricted to members of the DementiaBank consortium group. If you are already a member and need assistance with access, please send email to .
  • Researchers and clinicians working with dementia who are interested in joining the consortium should read the Ground Rules and then send email to with contact information and affiliation. Please include a brief general statement about how you envision using the data.
  • Click here to Access the DementiaBank Shared Discourse Protocol

Caregiver’s Guide to Creating Memory and Communication Supports 

  • This free, family-friendly guide provides information and resources for developing individualized memory books and reminder cards. Each chapter guides readers through the process of selecting, designing, and using memory supports for different purposes.