Curriculum Vitae


2023-Present             Ph.D. Physical Climatology
University of Delaware, Newark, DE

2022-2023                   B.S. Environmental Science
University of Delaware, Newark, DE

2022-2023                   Geographic Information Science Certificate
University of Delaware, Newark, DE

2010-2013                   B.S. Computational Physics (120 credits completed)
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

Research Interests

  • Computational modeling and simulation with specific interests in physical climate processes and interactions.
  • Use of GPUs and Deep Learning to improve modeling and predictive analysis resolutions and performance in geophysical models.
  • Application of remote sensing, geospatial analysis and large datasets to understanding relationships between drivers in complex dynamic climate systems.


  • Research Assistant, Clouds, Wind, and Climate Lab (University of Delaware). Supervisor: Dr. Dana Veron, University of Delaware, Newark, DE. Spring 2023 – Present
    • Modeling of historic atmospheric river events using Weather Research Forecast to explore how reduced arctic sea ice in influences the thermodynamics and advection of moisture over Baffin Bay and the western Greenland ice sheet.
    • Active development of a Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (SR-GAN) for downscaling of gridded climate data in PyTorch. 
    • Modeling (Python) of pressure/temperature gradient effects on the northern hemisphere jet based on the shallow water equations to explore variations in Rossby wave propagation and relation to blocking events.
    • Analysis of large climate datasets for atmospheric, oceanographic and sea ice variables to understand intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal variability with respect to forcing relationships. Python based analysis using xarray, scipy, scikit-learn, pandas. Methods include time series, statistical and PCA analysis, machine learning regressions and CNN predictors.
  • Graduate Assistant, Academic Technology Services (ATS), University of Delaware. Working in the capacity of a product manager for ATS’s StudyAiDE platform, an LLM based platform that generates study materials for UD classes based on UD’s collection of lecture videos. Guide the team in human centered design best practices for UX, data privacy and scaling. Fall 2023 – Present
  • Research Assistant, IceCube Neutrino Telescope (Penn State). Developed analysis modules within the IceCube software framework (Python/C++) and CERN’s ROOT package. Focused on optimization of negative log likelihood methods to improve energy resolution of event reconstruction in collected datasets and photon simulation using CUDA and OpenCL. Fall 2012 – Spring 2014
  • Robotics and the Arts, IST Undergraduate Research Project, Supervisor: Dr. Debra Smarkusky, Penn State Worthington-Scranton, Dunmore, PA. Applied mechanics and JAVA development using LEGO NXT robots to coordinate music/dance routines for future Integrative Arts curriculum. Summer 2011.
  • Physics In Motion, IST Undergraduate Research Project, Supervisor: Dr. Debra Smarkusky, Penn State Worthington-Scranton, Dunmore, PA. Assisted group in developing custom application for STK 9 based on lab exercise from previous work listed above. Spring 2011.
  • Independent Study; Supervisor: Dr. Yvonne Glanville, Penn State Worthington-Scranton, Dunmore, PA. Experimental study of modern physics. Designed, executed, and analyzed experiments to explore the following topics: Planck’s Constant and quantization of energy, Rydberg’s Constant and line spectra analysis, cloud chamber construction and elementary particles, Geiger counter construction, radioactive decay, and non-traditional detection methods. Spring 2011.
  • Independent Study, Supervisor: Dr. Yvonne Glanville, Penn State Worthington-Scranton, Dunmore, PA. Studied advanced orbital mechanics using simulations with AGI’s Satellite Tool Kit 9 and created and authored an introductory lab exercise (PHYS211) to replace existing gravitational lab exercise. Fall 2010.


  • Python Workshop, University of Delaware. Designed and taught a semester long workshop on programming in Python for research applications for graduate and undergraduate students focused on data wrangling, functional programming, workflows, and graphing for geosciences. Spring 2023.
  • TutorPenn State Worthington Student Learning Center.  Approximately 200 hours tutoring mathematics from basic algebra to multi-variable calculus and physics in both individual and group settings.  Evaluation ratings were consistently high with many positive comments.  2010-2013.
  • Lab AssistantPenn State Worthington, Department of Physics.  Configured new physics lab suite and equipment.  Setup equipment for lab sessions as required, maintained, and repaired older lab equipment.  Revised and designed new lab activities and lab manual for PHYS 211 and PHYS 212.  Physics 211 recitation, office hours for general physics tutoring and lab write up assistance. 2010-2011.


  1. IceCube Collaboration (M G Aartsen et al.), 2014. Energy reconstruction methods in the IceCube neutrino telescope. DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/9/03/P03009
  2. IceCube Collaboration (R. Abassi, et al.), 2012.  IceTop: The surface component of IceCube.,
  3. IceCube Collaboration (R. Abassi, et al.), 2012.  Cosmic Ray Composition and Energy Spectrum from 1-30 PeV Using the 40-String Configuration of IceTop and IceCube.,
  4. IceCube Collaboration (R. Abassi, et al.), 2012.  Use of event-level neutrino telescope data in global fits for theories of new physics.,
  5. D.L. Smarkusky, S.J. Stancavage, R.E. Eagan, P.E. Propert, R.F. Plociniak, A.M. Nichols, 2011. Physics in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Project. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE ’11), ACM, New York, NY, USA.

…Full list via Google Scholar

Published Abstracts

  • Incorporating Generative AI as a Data Analysis Partner in the Meteorology Classroom. Dana E. Veron, Ryan Eagan, and Paige Burchell. 2025 American Meteorological Society, 105th Annual Meeting, Jan. 16, 2025.

Conference Presentations


Society Memberships

  • American Association of Geographers. Sept. 2023 – Present
  • American Geophysical Union. May 2023 – Present
  • American Meteorological Society. May 2023-Present
  • Society of Physics Students.  February 2010 – 2014

Honors and Awards

  • Maxwell Moore Scholarship. 2023
  • Clifford J. Campo Trustee Scholarship in the Eberly College of Science. 2012
  • Patrick J. Rose Award for Excellence in Student Leadership and Service. 2011
  • Elsbach Trustee Scholarship in Science. 2011
  • Elsbach Scholarship in Physics. 2011
  • Osher Reentry Scholarship. 2011


  • Tides Summer Camp – Summer 2024 – Camp Counselor / ROV Module Instructor
  • Eco Summer Camp – Summer 2024 – Camp Counselor / ROV Module Instructor
  • Stem Sisters – Summer 2024 – Peer Mentor
  • Gerard J. Mangone Climate Change Science & Policy Hub Fellow
  • Climate Summer Camp – August 2023
  • Wilmington Heat Mapping Project – August 2023
  • Climate Sphere Lab, Member – University of Delaware. Spring 2023
  • Master Thesis Committee Member, Human Centered Design, Goucher College. Fall 2020
  • Guest Lecturer, Penn State Harrisburg, Human Centered Design in Technology. Oct 2020, 2021.
  • Student Speaker, Penn State Worthington Scranton Science Suite Dedication.  Oct 2010
  • Founder/President.  Penn State Worthington Scranton Science Club.  Sept 2010 – July 2011.
  • Student Activities Fee Committee, Penn State Worthington.  August 2010 – August 2011.
  • Facilities Fee Committee, Penn State Worthington. June 2010 – August 2010.
  • Student Activities Staff Assistance Hiring Committee, Penn State Worthington.  September 2010.
  • Freshmen Rep., Student Senate.  Penn State Worthington.  Spring 2010.
  • Assistant Chief Justice.  Penn State Worthington Student Government Association.  Summer 2010.

Technical Skills

  • Models: Weather Research Forecast (WRF)
  • Languages: Python, C#, C++, C 
  • Frameworks/Libraries: Pandas, scikit-learn, pytorch, xarray, scipy, numpy, matplotlib, .NET, Entity Framework
  • Databases: PostGRE, PostGIS, MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, HDF5, NetCDF
  • Software: Esri ArcPro, QGis, JMP, PgAdmin, JIRA
  • HPC: Torque/PBS, Linux, OS X, OpenCL, CUDA

Professional Experience

Throughout my the first half of my career, I held various roles in technology and software in industries including telecommunications, hospitality, finance, biotech and educational software.

1997 – 2009: Sys admin (AS/400), Network Admin, Software Developer (.Net, Oracle, MSSQL, Point of Sale Integration)

2014 – 2022: Software Developer, Scrum Master, Product Manager, Director