10/2018 – Price Lab presented research at the Annual BMES conference in Atlanta, GA. Margot Farnham gave a talk on her research titled “Articular Cartilage Biomechanics and Lubrication Following Mechanical Injury.” Undergraduate Riley Larson gave a talk on his research titled “Injurious Impaction to Articular Cartilage does not Inhibit Biomechanical Outcomes.” Undergraduate Sejal Shah presented a poster titled “Orthogonal Superimposed Perturbation on Shear Thickening Fluids for Sports Equipment and Medical Devices”. Undergraduate Alison Wright presented a poster titled “Quantifying Solute Diffusivity in Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage via Correlation Spectroscopy.”
04/2018 – Margot Farnham was awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRFP)! She also received an honorable mention from the Ford Foundation Fellowship.
03/2018 – Price Lab presented their research at the Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. Mike David gave a podium presentation on his research titled “Repeated Intra-Articular Injection of Zoledronic Acid Prevents Chondrocyte Proliferation and Induces Death in Murine Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis“.
Price Lab presented their research at the Northeast Bioengineering Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Margot Farnham gave a podium presentation on her research titled “Mechanical Injury Alters Tribological Rehydration and Lubrication in Bovine Osteochondral Explants“. Ryan McDonough gave a podium presentation on his research titled “DREADDs as a Novel Method to Control Calcium Activation in Chondrocytes” and received a Research Excellence Award. Undergraduate Alison Wright presented a poster on her research titled “Quantifying Solute Diffusivity in Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage via Correlation Spectroscopy”.
Margot Farnham presented her research ‘Tribological Rehydration in Response to Mechanical Injury‘, winning second place overall in the collegiate competition at the Society of Women Engineers Local Conference in Portland, OR.
02/2018 – Price Lab Graduate Students received prestigious fellowships from outside funding sources:
- Ryan McDonough was awarded the University of Delaware Doctoral Fellowship.
- Michael David was awarded the University of Delaware Dissertation Fellowship.
- Brian Graham was awarded the NASA Delaware Space Grant Fellowship.
01/2018 – Price Lab presented their research at the BMES special interest conference Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering in Key Largo, FL.
10/2017 – Price Lab Presented their research at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Michael David gave a podium presentation on his research titled “Repeated Intra-Articular Injection of Zoledronic Acid Suppresses Cartilage Erosions After DMM“; Margot Farnham gave two podium presentations on her research titled “Longitudinal Repeatability of Tribological Rehydration in Bovine Articular Cartilage Samples” and “Modeling Tribological Rehydration and Pressure-Driven Fluid Flux in Articular Cartilage“; Brian Graham gave two podium presentations on his research titled “Mitigating Articular Cartilage Strains Through Regular Activity” and “Modeling Tribological Rehydration and Pressure-Driven Fluid Flux in Articular Cartilage“; Ryan McDonough gave a podium presentation on his research titled “A Chemogenetic Tool to Control Chondrocyte Activity In Vitro“.
08/2017 – Visiting REU undergraduate student Charlotte DeVol (NC State) successfully completed her summer research studies in the lab involving optimizing a tissue clearing protocol for osteochondral explants.
07/2017 – Margot Farnham was awarded the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Past Presidents Scholarship and the Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) Scholarship.
06/2017 – Ryan McDonough and Brian Graham represented the lab at the 2017 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference in Tuscon, AZ and gave podium presentations on their work. Ryan presented his work “A Chemogenetic Tool to Control Chondrocyte Activity In Vitro.” Brian presented his work “Insights into Tribological Rehydration of Articular Cartilage via Analysis of Solute Transport in situ” and placed second in the PhD Paper competition for the Cellular Mechanics and Mechanobiology session.
04/2017 – Price Lab presented their research at the University of Delaware Center for Biomechanical Engineering Research Annual Symposium. Margot Farnham won an award for her podium presentation on “Modeling Tribological Rehydration and Pressure-Driven Fluid Flux in Articular Cartilage”. Brian Graham and Ryan McDonough won awards for their poster presentations on “Insights into Tribological Rehydration of Articular Cartilage via Analysis of Solute Transport in situ” (Brian) and “A Chemogenetic Tool to Control Chondrocyte Activity In Vitro” (Ryan).
03/2017 – Dr. Price and Michael David (Graduate Student BME) represented the lab at the 2017 ORS Annual Conference in San Diego and gave poster presentations
10/2016 – Brian Graham (Graduate Student ME) represented the lab at the 2016 BMES Annual Meeting in Minneapolis and gave a podium presentation of his work “Direct evidence for tribological rehydration of cartilage via in situ quantification of solute transport”. Summer REU student, David Sun from Wash. Univ. also attended the BMES to present his Summer Undergraduate Research Poster entitled “The effect of sliding-induced tribological rehydration on chondrocyte viability in cartilage explants”. http://www.bmes.org/4dcgi/indexc.html
10/2016 – Margot Farnham joins the lab as the newest graduate student.
09/2016 – Michael David’s (Graduate Student BME) journal article “Early, Focal Changes in Cartilage Cellularity and Structure Following Surgically-Induced Meniscal Destabilization in the Mouse” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research’s Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis Special Issue. The manuscript is presently available as an early view article. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1554-527X/earlyview
09/2016 – The Lab welcomed two rotating BME graduate students (Margot Farnham and Michael Sonnenfelt) into the lab for the month of September.
9/2016 – Research technician Melanie Smith got married.
09/2016 – Dr. Price (PI), in collaboration with David Burris, Ph.D. (co-PI) in Mechanical Engineering were awarded a 3-yr National Science Foundation CMMI Biomechanics and Mechanobiology grant to study the rehydration, solute transport, and microfluidic processes associated with cartilage sliding within a newly discover, physiologically consistent contact configuration, the convergent wedge stationary contact area (cSCA). https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1635536&HistoricalAwards=false
8/2016 – Ryan McDonough (Graduate Student BME) successfully passed his BME qualifying exam.
08/2016 – Visiting REU undergraduate student David Sun (Wash Univ. St. Louis) successfully completed his summer research studies in the lab and had his Undergraduate Research Abstract accepted for a poster presentation and the 2016 BMES Annual Meeting.
08/2016 – Dr. Price attended the Musculoskeletal Biology and Regeneration Gordon Research Conference at Proctor Academy to present the lab’s research on solute transport within the tribologically rehydrating cSCA configuration.
08/2016 – Two high school students (ShuJin Kust and Michael Lan) completed and presented their summer research work as a part of the University of Delaware’s College of Engineering K12 Engineering program (https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/k-12engineering/)
06/2016 – Dr. Price and Michael David attended the 2016 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C) at National Harbor, Maryland, and presented a podium talk each. Michael present his work on the “Spatio-Temporal Quantification of Cartilage Structural Changes in a Murine Model of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis” and Dr Price presented a talk on the “Direct Quantification of Solute Diffusivity in Porous, Viscoelastic Materials Using Correlation Spectroscopy”. http://archive.sb3c.org/
03/2016 – Michel David was awarded a University of Delaware Graduate Student Fellowship.
01/2016 – Brian Graham successfully complete his thesis proposal defense.
03/2016 – The lab’s manuscript describing the application of optical tissue clearing techniques to mouse musculoskeletal tissues “Seeing Through Musculoskeletal Tissues: Improving In Situ Imaging of Bone and the Lacunar Canalicular System Through Optical Clearing” was published in PLoS One. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0150268
10/2015 – The Price lab attended the 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Tampa. Our work was presented in two podium talks – Brian Graham “In Situ Microscale Quantification of Solute Transport via Image Correlation Spectroscopy”. Dr. Price “Modified En Bloc Staining and Clearing for Improved Imaging of Musculoskeletal Cells In Situ”; one general poster – Michael David “Quantification of Early Structural Joint Changes in a Murine Model of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis”; and one undergraduate poster Avery White “Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis Dual Quantification System of Cartilage Degradation in Murine Model Following Joint Destabilizing Surgery”
10/2015 – The Price lab will be attending the 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Tampa. Our work will be presented in two podium talks, one general poster, and one undergraduate poster.
08/2015 – Undergraduate Summer Scholars Rachael Pilachowski, Neil Mathur, and Kyle Bennett presented their summer research at the Celebratory Symposium.
06/2015 – Brian Graham presented his research on “Spatiotemporal Image Correlation Spectroscopy Techniques for Quantifying Fluid Flow in Microfluidic Channels and Porous Tissues” as a podium talk at the 2016 SB3C Conference in Snowbird, UT.
05/2015 – Michael David presented a podium talk and Janty Shoga and Brian Graham presented posters at UD CBER Day.
04/2015 – Michael David and Janty Shoga presented their research at the UD Graduate Student Forum.
04/2015 – Brian Graham and Janty Shoga presented at Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Troy, NY.
03/2015 – Price lab attended the 2015 ORS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas with one podium talk and two posters.