At The University of Delaware, our faculty member Tom Evans and his graduate student Danielle Novick are part of a large group across the country investigating rose rosette disease, the virus, the mite, and the roses. Researchers are looking into breeding for resistance, as well as increasing our understanding of how the disease develops and spreads. They are doing good work! The post below was from a meeting last week (Nov 10 and 11) sharing results and strategies for the future!
"Plant pathologists see beauty in all that is disease. This is a wreath composed of rose rosetted branches from the RRD resistance evaluation block in Delaware that was made by Danielle Novick. She is the graduate student working with Tom Evans at the University of Delaware who is evaluating these blocks for RRD resistance. Unfortunately many of the roses that we are evaluating there are showing very nice symptoms. There are still many without symptoms. Thus there is hope that one of the roses still looking good will turn out to be resistant to this disease. Thus far we have collected data on ~650 roses and only ~40 still have not come down with RRD." K. Ong
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NFG 11/15/2016
Tag: rose rosette virus
Rose Rosette Disease Summit in Newark, DE April 15-16

Dr. Michael Dobres - Managing Director of Nova Flora LLC
Kathleen Case, Facilitator, Cindy Zook Associates
Dr.Thomas Bewick - USDA NIFA, National Program Leader for Horticulture
A two day national Rose Rosette Disease Summit was held in Newark, DE April 15 and 16, with researchers from across the country meeting to discuss the disease, and plans for future research. Rose rosette disease (RRD) is caused by the rose rosette virus, carried by a tiny eriophyid mite. The Summit was organized by Dr. Michael Dobres of the Conard-Pyle Company and Dr. Tom Evans of University of Delaware, and sponsored by the All-America Rose Selections and the Garden Rose Council, Inc. The conference included a talk given by Nancy Gregory of UD Cooperative Extension on occurrence and mapping of the disease. RRD has been seen in Mid-Atlantic States since approximately 2001, originally observed on multiflora rose in the landscape. In recent years, RRD has been identified on cultivated roses, including Knockout rose, and has also been identified in public gardens. University scientists, plant breeders, Cooperative Extension personnel, USDA representatives, private consultants, and rose growers discussed the need for good diagnostic tools, accurate mapping, cultural controls, as well as breeding for resistance. Current control strategies include keeping roses in good vigor, pruning, mite control, and cultural controls such as reducing water on leaves.