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Pest and Beneficial Insect Walk 2016    Wednesday, June 22, 2016, 4 - 6 PM Credits: 2 Pest., 1 CNP.  UD Botanic Gardens,  University of Delaware Campus, Townsend Hall, 531 S. College Ave, Newark, DE. Learn to identify insect and disease pests, as well as beneficial insects in the landscape.  Instructors: Nancy Gregory, Brian Kunkel, and Carrie Murphy. Meet by the Fischer Greenhouse.Disease and Insect Workshop_2015
Disease and Insect Identification Workshop 2016    July 13, 2016, 4-6 PM Credits: 2 Pest., 1 CNP. Townsend Hall, 531 S. College Avenue, Newark, DE. Learn about signs and symptoms the Cooperative Extension staff look for to identify pests and diseases! Tips and techniques will be shared for fresh and preserved plant samples, and use of hand lenses and microscopes will be taught. Bring your own samples to look at!  Instructors: Nancy Gregory, Brian Kunkel, and Carrie Murphy
NFG June 2016

  • Advanced symptoms of TCD on black walnut (thinning of crown and bunchy growth toward center of tree)


Thousand Cankers Disease of Walnut (TCD) is widespread in Virginia in 2012. TCD was confirmed in 2011 in Bucks County, PA, three weeks after a find in Virginia. This disease may already be present in our area, but has not been confirmed. Look for dying walnut trees in  June, July and August showing yellowing and thinning of branches. Samples should be submitted to the UD Plant Diagnostic Clinic. Please see the latest fact sheet: and outreach/TCD Pest Alert Revision for 2012.pdf