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The spotted lanternfly is a non-native plant hopper originally from Asia.

(Photos: PA Dept of Agriculture)

Lycorma deliculata is small, brightly colored, but very destructive. It was found in Pennsylvania in 2014-15 and has spread slowly, to be found in New Castle County, DE in late 2017. The adult is approx 1 inch by 1/2 inch at rest, and grey/pink in color. Expanded hind wings are a colorful red with black spots and the abdomen yellow. The insect feeds by producing wounds along branches, that exude sap. Hosts include grapes, apples, stone fruits, walnut, willow, and tree of heaven, which officials think is a necessary host for reproduction. Egg  masses are laid in November, and look like smears of old chewing gum on branches, rocks, tree trunks, railway boards, cinder blocks, outdoor furniture and vehicles. Eggs will hatch in April or May, and nymphs are red and black.  If you find this bug or egg masses, take a picture and contact  More info may be found at: .
NFG 12/14/2017