Boxwood blight caused by the fungus Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum was confirmed in a retail nursery in Delaware on June 19, 2013.

Boxwood blight was first identified in the U.K. in 1994 and then in the U.S. in October of 2011. The disease has been identified in nurseries and landscapes on boxwood and pachysandra. It has been confirmed in NC, CT, VA, RI, MD, MA, OR, NY, PA, OH, and Delaware. It was identified in the UD Plant Diagnostic Clinic in 2012, but came from plants in Maryland. In June of 2013, boxwood blight was identified in a retail nursery in Delaware.
See the new fact sheet from University of Delaware Cooperative Extension at:
See the links below from American Nursery and Landscape Association and Connecticut Agricultural Expt Station: