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Boxwood tips are  used in holiday decorations, including wreaths. Carefully inspect wreaths in stores and garden centers before buying. Leaves and twigs may be infected with the boxwood blight fungus, and could be a source of infection for residential boxwood in Delaware.  Conditions of wet weather and high humidity have been favorable for boxwood blight in the Mid-Atlantic, where the serious blight has been confirmed.   The fungus Calonectria pseudonaviculata causes severe defoliation and death of container boxwoods, and dieback of in-ground plantings.  Most boxwood species are susceptible, including American and English boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), little leaf

Boxwood Blight - twigs showing blackened areas and leaf drop; Leaf spots due to boxwood blight.

boxwood (B. microphylla) and hybrids such as B. sinica.  Timely and accurate identification by microscopy is important for management of this aggressive disease.  If you suspect a wreath or decorative piece is infected with boxwood blight, dispose of it in a bag in the trash, do not compost or discard near foundation plantings of boxwood. Spores would be dormant at this time, but management consists of strict sanitation along with a diligent fungicide schedule over a couple of seasons.
N Gregory Dec 12, 2018

Conditions of wet weather and high humidity have been very favorable for boxwood blight in the Mid-Atlantic region, where states have confirmed boxwood with the serious blight.   The fungus Calonectria pseudonaviculata causes severe defoliation and death of container boxwoods, and dieback of in-ground plantings. Most boxwood species are susceptible, including American and English boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), little leaf boxwood (B. microphylla) and hybrids such as B. sinica. Pachysandra is a host, and can be a source of spores causing new infections. Sweetbox (Sarcococca) has been identified as a host. Other diseases affect boxwood, and environmental stress plays a role in predisposition to disease. Timely and accurate identification by microscopy is important for management of this aggressive disease. Sanitation is extremely important in management. Contact DE Dept of Ag or the UD Plant Diagnostic Clinic if you suspect boxwood blight.
NFG 9/28/2018

Click for New Updated Fact Sheet on Boxwood Blight DE fact sheet Sept 2016
Boxwood Blight Leaf
The fungus Calonectria pseudonaviculata (Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum) causes severe defoliation and death of container grown boxwoods, and dieback in older plantings. Most boxwood species are susceptible, including American and English boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), little leaf boxwood (B. microphylla) and hybrids such as B. sinica. Pachysandra is a host, and can be a source of spores capable of causing new infections. Sweetbox (Sarcococca) has recently been identified as a host. There are a number of other diseases that affect boxwood, and environmental stress plays a role in susceptibility and predisposition to disease. Timely and accurate identification by microscopy is important for management of this aggressive disease...
NFG 9/20/16

MANAGEMENT OF BOXWOOD BLIGHT (caused by the fungal pathogen Cylindrocladium  pseudonaviculatum) will be important in our area over the next few years, after detections in MD, DE, and PA. Be cautious when bringing new boxwood plants into a site with established boxwood. A nursery quarantine or watch area may be a wise thing for landscapers to set up, putting plants on a watch for 4 to 5 weeks before installing in a landscape planting.

Black streaks on twigs of boxwood with boxwood blight
Black streaks on twigs of boxwood with boxwood blight

Dr. Karen Rane, diagnostician with University of MD, spoke with Dr. Jim LaMondia from the Connecticut Ag Experiment Station and Dr. Kelly Ivors from North Carolina State University recently, regarding management in a landscape with mature boxwoods. They emphasized that, if all infected boxwoods are not going to be completely removed and destroyed, then pruning out and destruction on-site of all infected branches is necessary to reduce inoculum.  Just a few fallen leaves will serve as an important inoculum source.  Dr. Ivors said that nurseries in NC use a flamer (used for weed management in organic systems) to destroy fallen leaves on the soil surface after plants have been removed.  Vacuuming hard surfaces using a shopvac can also help to remove fallen leaves.  Drip irrigation system instead of overhead can be important in management.  Wetting of foliage promotes splash dispersal of spores as well as providing the optimum environment for spore germination and infection. Sanitation and fungicide applications will be extremely important for a few years to control boxwood blight. One year of management will not be enough, because microsclerotia in fallen leaves can survive for several years, and serve as a source to cause infections if new growth is not protected.

Dr. LaMondia and Dr. Ivors emphasized the use of protectant and systemic fungicides in combination to help protect new growth from disease and to reduce sporulation.  A spray that includes chlorothalonil should be applied a day or two prior to pruning out diseased material in order to kill spores on the surface of the infected tissue, or soon after pruning.  Both researchers recommended using combination sprays containing both a protectant and a systemic fungicide either as a tank mix of two products with different modes of action or using a pre-mixed product that contains two active ingredients. Both suggested chlorothalonil as the best protectant product.  Fungicides sprays should be alternated every 2 weeks when conditions are favorable for disease, as one or two sprays in a growing season will not control boxwood blight. Dr. LaMondia suggested starting with a tank mix of thiophanate-methyl +chlorothalonil, followed two weeks later with a propiconazole + fludiozinil (Medallion) spray.  Dr. Ivors suggested alternating Palladium (fludioxinil and cyprodinil) and Spectro (thiophanate methyl and chlorothalonil).  The addition of a spreader sticker may be necessary to improve coverage but check individual product labels. Products should be applied by a certified professional with the proper equipment for coverage of large plants, according to the fungicide label. Please see the following web site for some chemical recommendations and rates:

NFG 9/3/13

Boxwood blight caused by the fungus Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum was confirmed in a retail nursery in Delaware on June 19, 2013.

Leaf spot on boxwood infected with the boxwood blight pathogen
Leaf spot on boxwood infected with the boxwood blight pathogen


Black streaks on twigs of boxwood with boxwood blight
Black streaks on twigs of boxwood with boxwood blight

Boxwood blight was first identified in the U.K. in 1994 and then in the U.S. in October of 2011. The disease has been identified in nurseries and landscapes on boxwood and pachysandra. It has been confirmed in NC, CT, VA, RI, MD, MA, OR, NY, PA, OH, and Delaware. It was identified in the UD Plant Diagnostic Clinic in 2012, but came from plants in Maryland. In June of 2013, boxwood blight was identified in a retail nursery in Delaware.

See the new fact sheet from University of Delaware Cooperative Extension at:

See the links below from American Nursery and Landscape Association and Connecticut Agricultural Expt Station: