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Powdery mildew on turfgrass in December!

An unusual sight on the morning of December 14th in Newark, DE was powdery mildew on Turf Powdery Mildewturfgrass in a residential lawn. Powdery mildew is favored by cool humid conditions and is usually seen in the spring and fall, in shady areas. Our normal December temperatures would have sent our lawns to a dormant state by now, but not this year. Our temperatures have been above normal, and there has been fog the past two mornings.  No control is normally necessary for residential lawns, but in severe cases or commercial sites, a fungicide can be applied. Call your local Cooperative Extension office for guidance on fungicides that are labeled.
N Gregory 12/14/15

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About cmanneri

Christy is a graduate of the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware with a master's in Public Administration. She is the chief operating officer of a local non-profit, 3B Brae’s Brown Bags and a Communications Specialist for the University of Delaware. Her research interests include issues of social justice, such as nutritional insecurity, community re-entry, and domestic violence. She also volunteers with her local school district and has a deep passion for education policy, as she believes many social injustices stem from inequitable opportunities in education.