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Leaf Spots in Garden Tomatoes

A UD fact sheet, updated in February of 2017 gives timely info on leaf spot diseases of garden tomatoes. Fungal leaf diseases such as Septoria, bacterial leaf spot, and early blight can cause loss of leaves. Some leaf diseases such as anthracnose can lead to problems on ripening fruit. Click link below for fact sheet:

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About cmanneri

Christy is a graduate of the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware with a master's in Public Administration. She is the chief operating officer of a local non-profit, 3B Brae’s Brown Bags and a Communications Specialist for the University of Delaware. Her research interests include issues of social justice, such as nutritional insecurity, community re-entry, and domestic violence. She also volunteers with her local school district and has a deep passion for education policy, as she believes many social injustices stem from inequitable opportunities in education.