Grant Opportunities

Jessie Ball duPont Grants

The Partnership for Arts & Culture has been fortunate to receive a generous grant from the Jessie Ball duPont Fund.  The grant will provide support for up to 20 grants at $5,000.00 each, with a priority given to projects designed to support low-income communities in Wilmington, DE.

View grant proposal rubric. 


Application closed December 15, 2021

Awardees were notified in January 2022 and a list can be found on the 2022 PAC Grant Recipients page. 

Request for Partners

Faculty and community members who need help finding a partner for an existing project idea should fill out one of the forms below.  PAC staff will do their best to match faculty and community members.  

Community Partners

Community members with projects who are interested in partnering with a faculty member, should submit this form

Faculty/Staff Members

Faculty or Staff members with projects who are interested in partnering with a community partner, should submit this form