What’s Hot HL Issue 3

Aphids on Spirea. Photo provided by: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Bugwood.org

Spot anthracnose on petals. Photo provided by: Division of Plant Industry Archive, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bugwood.org

Spot anthracnose on foliage. Photo provided by: Division of Plant Industry Archive, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bugwood.org

Boxwood psyllid close-up. Photo provided by: Nancy Gregory, University of Delaware, Bugwood.org

Boxwood leafminer damage and larvae. Photo provided by: John A. Weidhass, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Bugwood.org

White pine weevil adult. Photo provided by: Juliana Cardona-Duque, University of Puerto Rico, Bugwood.org

Disease Hotline Issue 6

Fruiting bodies of cedar-apple rust galls. Photo by: Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org.

Cedar-apple rust on crabapple leaf. Photo by: University of Georgia Plant Pathology Archive, University of Georgia, Bugwood.org.

Spot anthracnose on dogwood petal. Photo by: Division of Plant Industry Archive, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bugwood.org.