Insect Hotline Issue 21

Early instar oak skeletonizer. Photo provided by: G. Keith Douce, University of Georgia,

Oak skeletonizer. Larvae feed on undersides of the leaf and top side of leaf remains. White areas along veins are where insect molts from stage to stage and pupates. Photo provided by: Ronald S. Kelley, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation,

One color morph of yellownecked caterpillars. Photo provided by: Gerald J. Lenhard, Louiana State Univ,

Color morph of yellownecked caterpillar. Photo provided by: Eric R. Day, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,

Color morph of yellownecked caterpillar. Photo provided by: Gerald J. Lenhard, Louiana State Univ,

Insect Hotline Issue 17

Oak skeletonzier damage from far away. Photo by: Terry Price, Georgia Forestry Commission,

Close-up of oak skeletonizer damage. Photo by: James Solomon, USDA Forest Service,

Oak skeletonizer larva. Photo by: G. Keith Douce, University of Georgia,

Larvae and pupae of oak skeletonizer. Photo by: James Solomon, USDA Forest Service,

Oak lace bug damage. Photo by: USDA Forest Service – Northeastern Area Archive, USDA Forest Service,

Oak lace bugs. Photo by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Specialist, University of Delaware.

Gouty oak gall. Photo found on the following website:

Horned oak gall. Photo by: A. Steven Munson, USDA Forest Service,

Oak bullet gall far view. Photo by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Specialist, University of Delaware.

Close-up of oak bullet gall. Photo by: Brian Kunkel, Ornamentals IPM Specialist, University of Delaware.