Disease Hotline Issue 11

Frog-eye leaf spot on red maple. Photo by: Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org

Bacteria blight on lilac. Twigs turn black and wilt from the tips back to the stem. (provided by Karen L. Snover-Clift, Cornell University) Photo found at: http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/FactSheets/LilacBactBlight/lilacbactblight.htm

Bacteria blight on lilac. Leaves often show damage around the margins and/or along the central vein. (provided by Karen L. Snover-Clift, Cornell University). Photo found at: http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/FactSheets/LilacBactBlight/lilacbactblight.htm

Disease Hotline Issue 10

Figure 1: An artillery fungus spore packet within the cup. (provided by the Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, Cornell University.)

Figure 2: Artillery fungus spore packets stuck on the vinyl siding of a house. (provided by the Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, Cornell University.)

Both images were found at the following website: http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/FactSheets/artfungus/artilleryfungus.htm