Disease Hotline Issue 10





Discula anthracnose on dogwood leaves.





Close-up of discula anthracnose on dogwood leaf.






Discula anthranose on dogwood flower petals.  This and the previous images of dogwood anthracnose (discula anthracnose) were provided by:  Robert L. Anderson, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org






Image of discula anthracnose on stem of flowering dogwood.  Photo provided by:  Mary Ann Hansen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Bugwood.org

Photos of red thread have already been posted to the site.  Please use the search function to locate images.

Disease Hotline Issue 9

Close-up of Iris rust to the left.  Photo provided by:  Bob Mulrooney, University of Delaware





Monolinia blight on Kwanzan cherry.  Photo provided by:  Bob Mulrooney, University of Delaware




Photos for azalea leaf gall, cedar apple rust, cedar quince rust & monolinia blight were posted previously.  Please use the search function to locate these images.

What’s Hot HL Issue 7?

Pictures of Cedar quince rust have been posted to the website previously.  Please use the search function to locate these images.






Feeding damage caused by bristly roseslug sawfly larvae on the underside of the leaf.  This sort of damage is often called ‘window-paning’.






Roseslug sawfly larva feeding on the underside of the rose leaf.








Close-up of the roseslug sawfly larva.  Roseslug sawfly photos provided by: Brian A. Kunkel, University of Delaware, Ornamentals IPM Extension Specialist