Protection of Minors on Campus
The University of Delaware campus is open to visitors, including vendors and guests, and all are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated before coming to campus. Campus Visitors and Event Attendees are required to follow UD’s health protocols, which include wearing face masks, maintaining physical distance and observing daily health screening guidelines. Anyone who hosts or sponsors a guest is responsible for sharing UD policies and ensuring that they are followed.
The registration process, for the ability to run your event on UD’s campus, is intended to facilitate the protection of minors at programs, camps or other similar events, sponsored by University employees and/or volunteers, or Third Parties held on University property or in University facilities. Please follow the steps below to register your event with the University:
Does this policy apply to my program/activity? “Program for Minors” (or Program) means any camp, clinic, event, class, lab, mentoring or the like occurring on University property or using University facilities and sponsored by or organized on behalf of or in the name of the University that serves Minors without supervision by their parents or guardians, regardless of duration.
Step 1: Registration (updated 12/9/2021)
Preferably, no less than 60 days before the start of the program, the program organizer must register the program.
University of Delaware Protection of Minors SystemUD Program Registration. UD Programs may access the system with their UDelNet ID and password. See the process under the UDPOM Registration System Tutorial below.
Third Party or Non UD Programs
Third Party or Non UD Programs community login link is to initially request access to the registration system. Once the request is submitted an email response will be issued to the program organizer email address provided with access to log into the UD POMS compliance system.
UD POM Registration System Tutorial
Registration requires the following items:
- Name and contact information for program organizer;
- Description of program; locations and times of program; if online the virtual platform to be used
- Anticipated number and ages of participants; and
- Anticipated number of program staff
- The program organizer must certify all items listed below will be completed prior to the start of the program. Certification requires the following items:
- A cleared background check including child protection registry and Protecting Youth training for each program staff member.
- The proper permission slips and/or release for each participant. The program organizer must maintain a roster of participants with the completed requirements.
- A detailed description of the sign-in and sign-out procedures for the program.
Registration of UD Program for Minors including authorized staff will generate an email to the designated staff with the directions for completing Protection of Minors CBC’s in Step 2 and access to Protecting Youth training in Step 3.
Step 2: Criminal Background Checks (Updated 12/12/2022)
All program organizers must obtain a background check for themselves and each program staff member prior to persons interacting with minors. A UD Protection of Minors cleared background check, at a minimum must include:
A. A name-based Delaware criminal background check through the Delaware Justice Information System (DELJIS)*; and a Child Protection Registry Check through the Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Family (DSCYF)* is to be completed by all volunteers and employees 16 and older.
B. An out-of-state criminal record check using private, third-party providers of such checks, provided that any out of state criminal record check shall include a Social Security trace search and county-based criminal record search in the counties in which the individual has resided within the past 10 years.
How to complete A & B:
A. For UD Programs: For UD programs sponsored or organized by the University: Once a program is registered in Step 1 and Authorized Staff indicated an email will be sent with instructions for program staff to complete their DSCYF Child Protection Registry Consent Form and submit to the red upload link in their email from UDPOMS or or for staff without UD username/password submit through UD Dropbox Service to Alice Moore . In compliance with DSCYF regulations under 31 Delaware Code, Section 309, all employees of Youth Programs sponsored or organized by the University, and third-party Youth Camps* conducted at the University, are REQUIRED to complete The Delaware Child Protection Registry Portal Consent form. The OEI Protection of Minors Program Coordinator will be uploading the submitted forms to The Delaware Child Protection Registry Portal and (DSCYF &DELJIS). The UDPOMS will indicate the requirement being met.
*A. For third-party Youth Camp programs go to the DSCYF portal:
If you have any questions about the DSCYF Child Protection Registry process please email Alice Moore at
B. For UD programs sponsored or organized by the University: Once a program is registered in Step 1 and Authorized Staff indicated a separate email will be sent from the Sterling Solutions email address with further instructions for completing the CBC, individuals will fill out and submit the requested information according to instructions. If you have questions contact Maria_Tarry Protection of Minors Background Check Coordinator,
B. For third-party programs: The University has a partnership with Sterling Talent Solutions. If you opt to utilize their services, Click Here for instructions. If you use a another vendor they must meet the minimum requirements of A & B.
Step 3: Training (updated 1/3/2023)
For programs serving youth, annual training is required for all program staff prior to the start of program. “Program Staff” means all employees, volunteers, and/or independent contractors of a Program for Minors.
UD Program Organizers provide a staff roster in program registration including individuals first/last name and email address. This will enable OEI Program Coordinator to enroll individual staff in the training module with their unique email and initiate an email invitation from Vector Solutions LMS to complete the “Protecting Youth” training.
With UD Credentials:
Without UD Credentials:
This child neglect and abuse prevention training covers basic prevention methodology, reporting processes, and federal and state reporting requirements. The training module duration is 1 hour, there is a certificate available upon completion.
Third Party Program Organizers certify in program registration that their program staff have completed an abuse awareness and prevention course that meets federal youth protection training requirements and state mandates. If Third Party Program needs training contact
Step 4: Approval
Once Registration is submitted an email approval letter will be provided by OEI Protection of Minors Program Coordinator. Program Organizers will receive email updates weekly for those program staff who have not met their compliance requirements, individuals will also receive reminders to complete the needed compliance requirement prior to interacting with Minors. Program Organizers will also receive notification electronically when renewals for compliance requirements need to be completed.
Program Staff
Supervision of Minors
- 1 staff member for every 5 participants ages 4 and 5
- 1 staff member for every 6 participants ages 6 to 8
- 1 staff member for every 8 participants ages 9 to 14
- 1 staff member for every 10 participants ages 15 to 17
Record Retention: The program organizer must maintain the records of background checks for program staff for a minimum of three years. The program organizer must maintain a roster of all participants for a minimum of three years.
Falsification of Background Check or Failure to Report
- Standards of Conduct
- Reporting Suspected Abuse/Neglect
- UD POM Registration System Tutorial (printer friendly)
- Program Staff Roster
- Participant Roster
- Permission Slips/Release
- Juvenile Release Form for Background Check – University Sponsored
- Requesting Background Checks- Third Party
For questions or additional information, contact:
Office of Equity and Inclusion
305 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-8063

Revised: February 25, 2022