Training and Education

  • SQD2 training is every Wednesday at 10 am.
  • Intuvo training is every Tuesday at 10 am.
  • To participate,  fill out the training request form through iLab and email to reserve a spot for the day you wish to attend.

Educational materials

Overview of access to the different instruments in the mass spec facility

Instrument Access type
Thermo Orbitrap Eclipse Facility personnel run samples
Thermo Q-Exactive Orbitrap Facility personnel run samples
Waters Xevo TQ-XS triple Quad Facility personnel run samples
Waters GCT Premier Facility personnel run samples
Agilent Intuvo GC/MSD Walk-up for trained users
Bruker MicroFlex MALDI-TOF Walk-up for trained users
Waters Xevo G2-S QTof Walk-up for trained users
Waters ACQUITY UPLC H-Class/SQD2 Walk-up for trained users
Autopurification LC Prep System Walk-Up for trained advanced users Guided/ assisted usage for frequent users Facility personnel run samples that are submitted occasionally.


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