Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a list of commonly asked questions about the MSCC. To make an appointment, please select “Schedule an appointment” from the menu bar.

Q: Who is a multilingual student?

If you are an international undergraduate student and English is a Second Language or if you are a domestic undergraduate student whose home language is not English, you can use the MSCC.

Q: What kind of tutoring do you provide?

Right now, only undergraduate students who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) can use our services. These students can bring any writing project to the MSCC at any stage (brainstorming, outlining, drafting, or revision). Over time, multilingual students enrolled in graduate programs may be able to use our services. Please note that we give appointment priority to students currently enrolled in English 110.

Q: Is the MSCC the same as the Writing Center?

No. The Writing Center provides tutoring for all students at UD. The MSCC offers language-focused writing tutoring designed for multilingual students. Tutors are trained to respond to ESL writing and are supervised by English Language Institute faculty.

Q: If I use the MSCC, can I also use the Writing Center?

Yes. You can make one appointment per day and up to two per week at the MSCC. You can also make appointments at the Writing Center.

Q: Will MSCC tutors edit my writing?

No. Like the Writing Center, the MSCC will help you improve the clarity and accuracy of your writing and teach you self-editing skills. However, we are not a proofreading service.

Q: Is all MSCC tutoring online?

Yes. All sessions are “live” on Google Chat/Hangouts. There are directions on our website. It’s very simple, and you can participate from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Q: Is there any fee for the services?


Q: Can I sign up at the last minute for tutoring help?

Yes, if there is an appointment available. However, unfortunately, it is not possible to sign up for an appointment after the hour has passed. If you try to sign up for an appointment, for example, at 3:01 pm, you will need to wait until 4pm for your appointment (if the time is available). You may always try to enter your name, however, on the waiting list. Students on the waiting list are called first if there are cancellations or if students do not show up to an appointment.

If you have any other questions, please write to

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