Research in the Hydro Lab is broadly focused on coastal groundwater dynamics, groundwater flow and solute transport modeling, groundwater-surface water interactions, water supply sustainability, geostatistical modeling, and hydro-economics. Read below about major themes currently being explored in the lab.

Storm Surge Impacts

How do multi-scale, cyclical sea level fluctuations affect the salinity in coastal aquifers, and how do extreme events affect the stability of beach surfaces?


Approach: use integrated hydrologic modeling and conceptual modeling to understand the impact of coastal overwash events on aquifer salinization and beach topography.

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Hydrologic Drivers of Marsh Migration

What are the major drivers of salinization and flooding at the marsh-upland boundary, and how are effects moderated by ecological and geomorphological characteristics as well as the large-scale hydrological setting?


Approach: use timeseries analysis of meteorological, water level, and salinity data to identify drivers of fast and slow responses among and within forested and agricultural sites.

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Water Resources in a Changing World

What are the effects of feedbacks between saltwater intrusion and competing water user behaviors in coastal areas?


Approach: use a combination of behavioral economics, field monitoring, and modeling to assess climate change and increased pumping impacts on groundwater salinization and to develop potential management and mitigation strategies.

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