Recent Publications

Full bibliography here

MC Hingst, RW McQuiggan, CN Peters, C He, AS Andres, HA Michael (2023), Surface Water‐Groundwater Connections as Pathways for Inland Salinization of Coastal Aquifers, Groundwater 61 (5), 626-638


S Fettrow, V Jeppi, A Wozniak, R Vargas, H Michael, AL Seyfferth (2023), Physiochemical Controls on the Horizontal Exchange of Blue Carbon Across the Salt Marsh‐Tidal Channel Interface, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 128 (6), e2023JG007404


Feng Pan, Kai Xiao, Yu Cai, Hailong Li, Zhanrong Guo, Xinhong Wang, Yan Zheng, Chunmiao Zheng, Benjamin Carlos Bostick, Holly A Michael (2023), Integrated effects of bioturbation, warming and sea-level rise on mobility of sulfide and metalloids in sediment porewater of mangrove wetlands, Water Research 233, 119788


Zhongyuan Xu, Mahfuzur R Khan, Kazi Matin Ahmed, Anwar Zahid, Jayaram Hariharan, Paola Passalacqua, Elisabeth Steel, Austin Chadwick, Chris Paola, Steven L Goodbred Jr, Anner Paldor, Holly A Michael (2023), Predicting Subsurface Architecture From Surface Channel Networks in the Bengal Delta, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (3), e2022JF006775


Damian L Arévalo-Martínez, Amir Haroon, Hermann W Bange, Ercan Erkul, Marion Jegen, Nils Moosdorf, Jens Schneider von Deimling, Christian Berndt, Michael Ernst Böttcher, Jasper Hoffmann, Volker Liebetrau, Ulf Mallast, Gudrun Massmann, Aaron Micallef, Holly A Michael, Hendrik Paasche, Wolfgang Rabbel, Isaac Santos, Jan Scholten, Katrin Schwalenberg, Beata Szymczycha, Ariel T Thomas, Joonas J Virtasalo, Hannelore Waska, Bradley A Weymer (2023), Ideas and perspectives: Land–ocean connectivity through groundwater, Biogeosciences 20 (3), 647-662


U Gangwal, AR Siders, J Horney, HA Michael, S Dong (2023), Critical facility accessibility and road criticality assessment considering flood-induced partial failure, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 8 (sup1), 337-355


G Nordio, R Frederiks, M Hingst, J Carr, M Kirwan, K Gedan, H Michael (2023), Frequent storm surges affect the groundwater of coastal ecosystems, Geophysical Research Letters 50 (1), e2022GL100191


Yusuf Jameel, Mason Stahl, Holly Michael, Benjamin C Bostick, Michael S Steckler, Peter Schlosser, Alexander van Geen, Charles Harvey (2023), Shift in groundwater recharge of the Bengal Basin from rainfall to surface water, Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 14