
Our Fruit and Vegetable Teaching Garden, and Compost Demonstration Site is designed for outreach to homeowners who want to learn how to compost, and grow fruit and vegetables in a small space.  The compost site includes a 3-bin system, black plastic hoop bin, a chicken wire bin, a garbage can composter, and a leaf composting area to demonstrate best practices for backyard composting.

The fruit and vegetable garden has been designed to show first time vegetable gardeners how to grow vegetables in raised beds, perfect for small spaces.  This garden demonstrates composting techniques; planting perennials that will attract beneficial insects to your vegetable garden to help combat insect pests; raised bed vegetable gardening; gardening in small spaces and growing vertically; cool and warm season vegetable production; strawberry, raspberry and blackberry, blueberry, and gooseberry production; and, sustainable growing techniques such as maintaining a healthy soil, integrated pest management (IPM), water conservation, companion and succession planting.

All produce harvested from the Master Gardeners’ Garden is donated to various organizations.  Each year approximately 900 pounds of fresh produce is donated!