What’s Happening in the Teaching Garden, Week of 5/28/2024

Welcome to the Garden! The teaching garden blog has a special Tuesday edition due to the Memorial Day holiday.

Everything in the garden seems to be growing full tilt. Beans are rocketing up, turnip plants are huge, and everything is looking fantastic.

Though we got less than a half inch of rain in the past couple days, everything was spongy and wet so we elected not to water today. Beds were weeded, and the compost was checked; it looks ready, so next Monday we’ll screen and apply some compost to the beds.

The final tomato spot was planted with Rutgers tomato plants that one of our Master Gardeners dropped by the garden.

We harvested strawberries from the berry bed, kale (Lacinato), and collards (Flash). We thinned the oregano to give the tomato plant some room to thrive. The carrots were looking suspiciously ready from the tops, but a sampling showed they were still small and growing – and already quite tasty. One of the purple cauliflowers is getting quite big, but we didn’t feel it was ready to pick today. We will check it Thursday morning and pick if ready; otherwise we will likely pick it next Monday. Next Monday we’ll likely harvest some more lettuce also.

Thank you for gardening with us. We’ll see you back next week.