Today certainly wasn’t a normal day for any of us as we had the chance to see a different culture in the United States as well as learning about one of the most influential presidents of the USA. The funny part about today that most of us were expecting rain and as a result we bought Umbrellas; however it didn’t rain and the weather was warm for most of the time.
To be honest, I didn’t know about Eisenhower until today but as we went through the tour I started to realize that this man has done pretty incredible things for the United States and world; this has encouraged me to research and read more about him to get a full understanding of this unique person.
Moreover, great decisions made by Eisenhower were made after or due to the relaxing atmosphere that he created for himself at his home at Gettysburg. This proves the theory of “you need to spend some time to relax and think fresh about important decisions which will lead to less stress” and, I personally love to do this as it is a very effective and efficient way to think more clearly and get rid of stress.
Also, it is incredible about what humans can still do without technology and the Amish county is a classic example of this as I really enjoyed eating the moon pie.
On a less serious note, we need to have party with the all peer mentors and rest of the staff. Alicia and Alex are great dancers, and Shalu has nice voice so their talents need to be utilized.