

NIH NHLBI 1R01HL145055      
Title: Mechanisms Underlying the Protective Vascular Effects of Dietary Potassium in Humans
Role: PI
The goal of this application is to determine if dietary potassium can protect the vasculature from sodium’s harmful effect.


NIH NHLBI 1 R01 HL104106     
Title: Vascular Effects of Dietary Salt in Humans with Salt-Resistant BP
Role: Co-I
9/1/17- 8/31/24 NCE
The goal of this application is to determine the effects of dietary salt restriction on central hemodynamics and vascular function in men and women


DP5 NIH Director’s Early Independence Award
Title: Life After Sport: Prior Injury and Sedentary Behavior as Mechanisms of Later Poor Health
Role: Co-I



Source: NIH-NIGMS Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) 1P20GM113125-01
Role: Mentor of Subproject PI (Subproject PI: Martens)
Period of support: 7/01/21-6/30/24 for pilot project
Subproject Title: The Effects of Added Sugar Intake on Brain Blood Flow and Hippocampal Function in Midlife Adults

Source: NIH-NIGMS Administrative Supplement to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Role: Co-PI (Lennon, Srvistava)
Period of support: 5/1/21 – 4/30/22
Subproject Title: Dietary Sodium and Potassium on Vascular Function in Overweight/Obese Children

Source: DP5 NIH Director’s Early Independence Award
Role: Collaborator (PI: Capin); 0.36 calendar months
Period of support: 9/1/21-8/31/26
Title: Life After Sport: Prior Injury and Sedentary Behavior as Mechanisms of Later Poor Health



Source: NIH-NIGMS Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) (P20) 1P20GM113125-01
Role: PI of subproject (PI: Edwards)
Subproject Title: Interactive Effects of Dietary Potassium and Sodium on Vascular Function
Period of support: 5/15/16-8/31/19
Total Costs: $307,224 ($200,000 direct)

Source: NIH-NHLBI 1 R01 HL104106-01A1
Role: Co-I (MPI: Edwards/Farquhar); oversee diet aspect of this study
Period of support: 9/1/11- 6/30/16 (1 yr NCE)
Title: Vascular Effects of Dietary Salt in Humans with Salt-Resistant BP
Total costs: $1.6 million

Source: NIH-NIGMS U54-GM104941
Role: Co-I of pilot project (PI of subproject: Vest); responsible for oxidative stress measurements in this proposal
Period of Support: 12/1/14-11/30/15 (6 mo NCE)
Pilot Project Title: Energy Balance and Clinical Outcomes of Obese, Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Cost: $84,000 (direct costs)

Source: NIH-NIGMS 5P20GM103446-14 Delaware INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence)
Role: PI of sub-project (PI: Stanhope)
Period of support for sub-project: 11/10/2014-5/15/2016
Sub-Project Title: Vascular Effects of Dietary Potassium in Humans
Total Cost: $248,801 ($160,000 direct)