




  • Chynoweth, B. C., C. Hader, A. Batista, T. J. Juliano, J. Kuehl, B. M. Wheaton, H. F. Fasel, S. P. Schneider (2018) “A history and progress of second mode dominated boundary-layer transition on a Mach 6 flared cone,” AIAA 2018- 0060.
  • “Understanding and Predicting the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current: Critical Gaps and Recommendations.” (2018) National Academies of Sciences, En- gineering, and Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi:
  • Ibanez, R., J. Kuehl, K. Shrestha and W. Anderson (2018) “A nonlinear self- similar solution to barotropic flow over rapidly varying topography,” Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 25, 201-205



  • Campbell, A., M. L. Cler, C. P. Skurla and J. J. Kuehl (2016) “Damage Accumulation of Bovine Bone under Variable Amplitude Loads,” Bone Reports, 5, 320–332.
  • Spencer, L. J., S. F. DiMarco, Z. Wang, J. J. Kuehl and D. A. Brooks (2016). “Asymmetric Oceanic Response to a Hurricane: Deepwater Observations during Hurricane Isaac,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JC011560.


  • Kuehl, J. (2014). “An analytic solution for barotropic flow along a variable slope topography,” Geophysical Research Letters, 41. doi: 10.1002/2014GL061188.
  • Kuehl, J., H. L. Reed, T. S. Kocian and N. B. Oliviero (2014). “Bandwidth Effects on Mack-Mode Instability,” AIAA-2014-2777.
  • Kuehl, J., S. DiMarco, L. Spencer, and N. Guinasso (2014). “Application of the Smooth Orthogonal Decomposition to oceanographic datasets,” Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 3966-3971. doi:10.1002/2014GL060237
  • H. L. Reed, E. Perez, J. Kuehl, T. Kocian, and N. Oliviero (2014). “Verification and Validation Issues in Hypersonic Stability and Transition Prediction,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, doi: 10.2514/1.A32825.
  • Kuehl, J., and V. A. Sheremet, (2014). “Two-Layer Gap-Leaping Oceanic Boundary Currents: Experimental Investigation,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 740, 97-113.



  • Perez, E., T. S. Kocian, J. Kuehl, H. L. Reed, (2012). “Stability of Hypersonic Compression Cones,” AIAA-2012-2962.
  • Hofferth, J. W., S. W. Saric, J. Kuehl, E. Perez, T. Kocian, H. L. Reed, (2012). “Boundary-Layer Instability & Transition on a Flared Cone in a Mach 6 Quiet Wind Tunnel,” RTO/AVT Specialists Meeting on Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition : AVT-200/RSM-030, San Diego, CA, USA. Paper No. 10.
  • Reed, H. L., J. Kuehl, E. Perez, T. Kocian, J. W. Hofferth, S. W. Saric, (2012). “Nonlinear Parabolized Stability Equation Simulations in Hyper- sonic Flows,” RTO/AVT Specialists Meeting on Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition : AVT-200/RSM-030, San Diego, CA, USA. Paper No. 7.
  • Hofferth, J. W., S. W. Saric, J. Kuehl, E. Perez, T. Kocian, H. L. Reed, (2012). “Comparison of Experimental and Computational Boundary-Layer Profiles and Instability Growth on a Flared Cone in a Mach 6 Quiet Flow,” 3AF 47th Inter-national Symposium of Applied Aerodynamics, Paris, France. Paper No. 37.


  • Kuehl, J. and D. Chelidze, (2010). “Identifying invariant manifolds using phase space warping and stochastic interrogation,” International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 45 (1), 42-55.


  • Kuehl, J. and V. A. Sheremet, (2009). “Identification of Cusp Catastrophe in Gap Leaping Western Boundary Current Problem,” Journal of Marine Research, 37 (1), 25-42.


  • Kuehl, J. and D. Chelidze, (2008). “Invariant Manifold Identification from Phase Space Trajectories,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA (11/08) Technical Paper (IMECE2008-67473).


  • Sheremet, V.A., and J. Kuehl, (2007). “Gap leaping western boundary current in a circular tank model,” Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37, 1488- 1495.