Invited National Presentations

Scantlebury, K. (August 2018). Pursuing entanglements: Implications of (new) material feminism for STEM education. Keynote Presentation at 4th Network Gender & STEM Network Conference, Eugene, OR.

Scantlebury, K. (April 2018). Women who make a fuss  and feminist killjoys: Challenging the status quo in science education research. Research on Women and Education SIG’s Willystine Goodsell Award Recipient talk, AERA Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Scantlebury, K. (March 2018). How do we enact cultural studies of science education? Cultural Studies of Science Education Forum, Georgia State University,Atlanta, GA.

Scantlebury, K. (October 2017). Pursuing entanglements: Implications of (new) material feminism for STEM education. Distinguished Presenters Series, College of Education, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Scantlebury, K. (April 2017). Pursuing entanglements: Implications of (new) material feminism for STEM education. Chicago Symposium Series: Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science: Research and Practice, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.

Scantlebury, K. (April 2017). Re-turning to matter in feminist STEM education: an examination of pedagogical practices, curriculum choices and agency. Workshop for Chicago Symposium Series: Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science: Research and Practice, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.

Scantlebury, K.  (September 2013). Interweaving feminist critique into science, education, and teaching for preservice teachers. Urban Science Education Researchers-Seminar (USER-S) City University of New York (CUNY), New York

Scantlebury, K. (March, 2012). NSTA’s response to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS.) Part of symposium “Framing standards: Researching the development & implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards” at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

Scantlebury, K. (April, 2011). What is intersectionality and why should we care? Invited Presentation for Urban Science Education Researchers-Seminar (USER-S) City University of New York (CUNY), New York.

Martin, S., Wassell, B. & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2011). Project G-SPELL: Gender and Science Proficiency for ELL, Invited Presentation for Urban Science Education Researchers-Seminar (USER-S) City University of New York (CUNY), New York.

Scantlebury, K. (March, 2008). How does she know? Re-visioning conceptual change from feminist perspectives. Second Springer Forum, Cultural Studies and Conceptions / Conceptual Change: Reuniting Psychological and Sociological Perspectives, CUNY, New York.

Scantlebury, K. (January, 2008). The implications of research and evaluation on science teachers’ professional development. Miami University, Oxford, OH.

Scantlebury, K. (November, 2007). Outcomes of CASPiE evaluation. Invited presentation, NSF site visit, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

Martin, S., Scantlebury, K. & Carambo, C. (November, 2007). Cogenerative dialogues as a classroom management strategy. Invited presentation Alternative Route to Certification program, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.

Scantlebury, K., Gilmer, P. Bechler, D. & Jones, L. (2007). Science educators in science content departments. Invited symposium participant at Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Valdosta, GA.

Scantlebury, K. (September, 2007). Qualitative research techniques and software, Invited talk, E & A Center, Miami University, Oxford, OH.

Scantlebury, K (August, 2007). Listening to girls: Using cogenerative dialogues to connect girls to science. Keynote address opportunities for Wisconsin women in science, technology and engineering. University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh WI.

Scantlebury, K. (2006, September). 4 Co’s: Coteaching|Coresponsibility|Coplanning|Coresponsibility Invited Talk, College of St. Catherine’s, St Paul, MN.

Scantlebury, K. (2006, June). Foregrounding girls’ learning: using cogenerative dialogues to include Urban African American girls in science. Invited Paper Urban Educators Forum: Leadership for Equity: Creating Opportunities for Excellence, New York, NY.

Scantlebury, K. (2006, June). Using cogenerative dialogues to bring girls into science. Invited Paper. Why the difference? Conference, St Paul, MN.

Scantlebury, K. (2006, March). Telling the story: Analyzing data for patterns and contradictions in education research. Invited Paper in symposium: Common key elements of successful grant writing and chemical education Research for the 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Scantlebury, K. (2005, November). Girl talk: Engaging girls in science through cogenerative dialogues. Queens College Equity Conference, New York, NY.

Scantlebury, K. (2005, July). Assessing standards-based teaching practices in science classrooms. Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemistry as part of PennSTI Administrator’s Science Education Academy, Philadelphia, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (2005, June). Victories and Struggles: lives of academic women in the chemical sciences. Gordon Research Conference for Chemistry Education Research, New London, CT.

Scantlebury, K. (2004, October). Claiming an MCE/Penn education. MCE Graduation, Address, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Scantlebury, K. & Juck, M. (2004, September). Sharing the teaching space: Coteaching in the University of Delaware’s Secondary Science Education Program, University Council on Teacher Education, The University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Scantlebury, K. (2004, May). Future directions for research on gender issues in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering & Technology. Presented at Nurturing the next generation research on gender and science and engineering. Henry-Clare Luce Booth Foundation, New York, NY.

Scantlebury, K. (2004, March). Ms. EB Marvelous & Ol’ Head: Adapting high school chemistry to urban African American girls’ capital. Presented at New York University, New York, NY.

Scantlebury, K. (2004, March). Meeting the needs and adapting to the capital of a Queen Mother and an Ol’ Head: Gender equity in urban high school science. Presented at The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.

Scantlebury, K. (2004, March). COACH: Women’s perspectives on women chemists. Presented at The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.

Scantlebury, K. (2004, February). Meeting the needs and adapting to the capital of a Queen Mother and an Ol’ Head: Gender equity in urban high school science. Presented at The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Scantlebury, K. (2004, January). Instructional strategies to improve the teaching and learning in science. Presented at Camden County Technical Schools, Gloucester, NJ.

Scantlebury, K. (2003, November). Challenges and contradictions: Teaching and learning chemistry in urban high schools. Invited Colloquium, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Delaware. Newark, DE.

Scantlebury, K. (2003, August). Using videoanalysis to explore connections between the micro and meso levels in high school science classrooms. Presented at Discovery Center and the Evaluation and Assessment Center, Miami University, Oxford, OH.

Scantlebury, K. (2003, April). Is scientific research in education an oxymoron or a paradox? Presented at Science Teaching and Learning SIG, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Scantlebury, K. (2003, February). Queen Mother of Da Bridge and othermother: Building scientific literacy from the lifeworlds of  urban African-American girls. Presented at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Scantlebury, K. (2002, December). Grace under fire: Women chemists’ perseverance in and dedication to chemistry Talk presented at Division of Chemistry, NSF, Arlington, VA.

Scantlebury, K. (2002, November). “Seeing” gender: Privileging African-American girls’ experiences in urban science classes. Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education (GSE), Science Education, Philadelphia, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (2002, September). Cross-cutting issues influencing the achievement gap in science. Keynote talk presented at Ohio’s Narrowing Achievement Gaps Conference, Columbus, OH.

Scantlebury, K (2002, August). Examining chemistry education from a feminist stance. Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Philadelphia, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (2002, March). What can [they] know? Equity and assessing student science learning. Pathways to change: An international conference on transforming math and science education in the K16 Continuum, NSF, Arlington, VA.

Scantlebury, K. (2002, March). Perspectives on equity in urban science education: What can feminism & postcolonialism offer? Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of education (GSE), Science Education, Philadelphia, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (2001, June). Teacher certification-A national overview. Presented at American Chemical Society, Committee on Professional Training Invitational Workshop, Chicago, IL.

Scantlebury, K. (2001, May). Overcoming the “Chemical” Barriers for Women in Academe. Presented at American Chemical Society, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Towson, MD.

Scantlebury, K. (2000, March). Equity Issues in & Directions for Science Teacher Education. Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education Division, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.

Scantlebury, K. (2000, March). Women’s Studies, Gender Studies & Feminist Science Studies: Common Goals, Directions and Issues in the New Millennium. Key Note Talk at Primavera Conference Texas A & M International, Laredo, TX.

Scantlebury, K. (1998, December). Feminist pedagogy in the sciences: Conundrum, oxymoron or paradox? Presentation in Women’s Studies seminar series at Miami University, Oxford, OH.

Scantlebury, K., & Ague, J. (1998, June). What is good science teaching? Perspectives from the field. Principals’ Professional Development Institute: New Leadership for New Pedagogy, Mayerson Academy, Cincinnati, OH.

Scantlebury, K. (1997, July). What’s news in science education? American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, Eleanor Roosevelt Teacher Institute, Washington DC.

Scantlebury, K. (1997, June). Gender and cultural equity in the science classroom. Pinellas County School District, Largo, FL.

Scantlebury, K. (1997, May). A snake in the nest or in a snake’s nest? Practicing feminist pedagogy in science and engineering. Invited Speaker, Montana State University, Women in Science and Engineering Program, Bozeman, MT.

Scantlebury, K. (1997, May). Can we change the undertow? Chemists, preservice teacher education and the National Science Education Standards. Invited Speaker, Montana State University, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Bozeman, MT.

Scantlebury, K. (1997, March). Implementing and supporting gender-sensitive science teaching. Invited Panel participant. American Association of University Women Conference, Girls succeeding in science, math, and technology: Who works and what works, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (1996, April). Beginning the cycle of equitable teaching: The pivotal role of cooperating teachers. College of Education, Penn State University, State College, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (1995, November). Gender issues in science education, fact, fiction or heresy, Department of Geography, University of Delaware, DE.

Scantlebury, K. (1995, April). Instituting “Re-Visionary” acts in preservice science teacher education programs. Keynote Address for the Gender Equity Awareness in Mathematics and Science Classrooms Conference, Colleges of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Education, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (1994, September). Emphasizing gender issues in the undergraduate preparation of science teachers: Practicing what we preach. Seminar Series, Department of Chemistry, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA.

Scantlebury, K. (1994, August). Feminist approaches to teaching math, science and technology. Workshop Seminar, Teacher Education Equity Project, Minneapolis, MN.

Scantlebury, K. (1994, June). Emphasizing gender issues in the undergraduate preparation of science teachers: Practicing what we preach. Science, technology and gender: An International Symposium at the National Women’s Studies Association National Conference, Ames, IA.

Baker, D., & Scantlebury, K. (1993, April). Feminist research approaches to teaching math, science and technology. Workshop Seminar, National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Kahle, J. B., & Scantlebury, K. (1992, May). Accessing women into chemistry: Intervention programs for teachers. 24th Central Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, Cincinnati, OH.

Scantlebury, K. (1992, June). Invited Visitor, Center for Education of Women, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Scantlebury, K. (1989, July). Building intervention programs that work. North Dakota Summer Conference on Equity, Grafton, ND.
Scantlebury, K. (1992, October). Identifying an Equitable Science Classroom. Research Bureau Seminar Series, College of Education, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK