
Delaware 4-H’ers Compete at 57th Annual

State 4-H Horse Show


Delaware 4-H Horse project members competed recently at the 57th Annual State 4-H Horse Show held on July 26, 2024, in the Quillen Arena during the Delaware State Fair.  Put on by 4-H volunteers on the State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee, the show offers 4-H members the opportunity to show and learn under the guidance of capable volunteers and judges while having fun at the same time.

Judged this year by Jody Toms of Buckhannon, Virginia members competed in the required showmanship classes as well as horsemanship, equitation, trail, pleasure, ranch riding and fun classes like barrel racing, egg and spoon, dollar bareback and costume. Trail classes were evaluated by Debbie White of Felton, Delaware.

Champion and Reserve Champion Horse Show awards were sponsored by the Delaware Equine Council and the State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee respectively and were presented to the following 4-H members:

Champion Western Horse- Stephanie Strachar exhibiting Somebody Like You- Kent County

Reserve Champion Western Horse– Lily Moffett exhibiting Oh Snap!- Kent County


Champion English Horse- Emily Jo Strachar exhibiting Confidential- Kent County

Reserve Champion English Horse – Paloma Jaramillo-Contreras exhibiting J.C.- New Castle County


Champion English Pony- Taylor Melvin exhibiting Definitely Bold- Sussex County

Reserve Champion English Pony – McKenna Neumann exhibiting Pumpkin Spice Girl– Sussex County


Grand Champion Walk Trot – Riley Tribbett exhibiting Your Ultimate Machine – Kent County

Reserve Champion Walk Trot – Ariana Dorman exhibiting Cloonan Kris – Sussex County


The Betty Niblett Perpetual Trophy is presented to the 4-H member who acquires the most points in Showmanship and Equitation/horsemanship classes.  Betty was the President of the State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee at the time of her death and helping kids with horse projects was a passion of hers.  The winner of the 2024 Betty Niblett Perpetual Trophy was Emily Jo Strachar of the Ponies and Pintails 4-H Club in Kent County.

The annual horse show is open to any 4-H member on the Delmarva Peninsula or Delaware 4-H members.  Thank you to our gold sponsor of the 2024 show; the State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee and our Silver Sponsor, the Delaware Equine Council.

4-H is a community of young people across Delaware learning leadership, citizenship and lifeskills. For more information on becoming a 4-H member or volunteer in Delaware please contact your county extension office:

New Castle County: (302)831-8965
Kent County: (302)730-4000
Sussex County: (302)856-7303

Cooperative Extension Education in Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Delaware, Delaware State University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating.  Distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914.  It is the policy of the Delaware Cooperative Extension System that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, age, or national origin.
