
Peach Blossom Club News: September 2023
Reporter: Maggie Wieber

The Peach Blossom 4-H Club had its monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 6th,  at the Webb Farm. We had many new members join us, and it was quite a full house! The project group leaders held a project group fair so that parents and 4-Hers could see what kind of activities will be held throughout the year. Some project groups on display were Horticulture, Dairy, Woodworking, Photography, Fair Prep, Envirothon, Life Smarts, Archery, STEM, Foods, and many more. The leadership group completed some icebreakers and songs with all the members. Traditional members attended a business meeting while the Cloverbuds made a craft. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 4th. Hope to see everyone there!


Westville Club  -September 2023 meeting
Reporter: Gianna Keen


At our first Westville 4-H monthly club meeting of the year. Members shared what our favorite part of 4-H was and how long we have been 4H members. Our club reviewed our club rules and club officer descriptions. Westville voted in their new club members for the 2023/2024 year. Then, our club discussed summer 4H camp experiences and how much fun everyone had. We closed the meeting by sharing different things about ourselves so we can get to know our new club members.
