Delaware 4-H’ers Compete at State 4-H Hippology Contest
The Delaware 4-H program held their statewide 4-H Hippology contest on Saturday, December 10 at Courageous Hearts Equine Assisted Therapy Center, in Lincoln, Delaware. Hippology meaning “study of the horse” is an activity that enhances learning for 4-H members by letting them exhibit their knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry in a competitive setting. 26 youth ages 8-19 from across the state participated in the hands-on competition. The Delaware 4-H Horse Advisory Committee, a group composed of 4-H volunteers from all three Delaware counties that are dedicated to providing quality 4-H horse programs to members, sponsored the contest.
4-H members competed in both individual and team categories. The individual portion of the contest had competitors complete five different station-based activities focused on equine anatomy, tack, general horse equipment, horse coat color identification and equine discipline identification. In the team portion of the contest youth competed on teams of up to four individuals to complete more difficult and comprehensive team problem solving activities. The team problem solving activities focused on feeds and feeding horses and the hoof; requiring youth to identify parts of the hoof and lower leg, identify farrier equipment and the purpose, sort the stages of shoeing into the proper steps. The beginner team problem involved grooming; identifying pieces of grooming equipment, sorting them into the proper order of use, answering questions about grooming and finally grooming a horse using grooming tools provided.
4-H volunteer adult leaders coached young people in the months leading up to the competition to prepare them using specified resource materials. Special thanks to Rosemary Baughman of Courageous Hearts Equine Assisted Therapy Center for providing the location for the contest, to members of the State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee and parent and coaching volunteers for helping with monitoring stations.
The results of each age division were:
- Beginner (8-10 year olds)
1st place- Camille Book- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club, Sussex County
2nd place- Alexa Cruz- STEAMrollers 4-H Club, Kent County
3rd place- Sophia Mast- On Target 4-H Club, Kent County
Honorable Mention- Rilynn Lecates- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club, Sussex County
- Intermediate (11-13 year olds)
1st place- Brooke Taylor- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club, Sussex County
2nd place- Jordanne Retkowski- Heavenly Hooves 4-H Club, New Castle County
3rd place- Jocelyn Retkowski- Heavenly Hooves 4-H Club, New Castle County
Honorable Mention- Taylor Melvin- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club, Sussex County
- Senior (14-19 year olds)
1st place- Abby Mast- On-Target 4-H Club, Kent County
2nd place- Paige Taylor- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club, Sussex County
3rd place- Emily Davis- Country Clovers 4-H Club, Sussex County
Honorable Mention- Paige Allen- Dublin Hill 4-H Club, Sussex County
The top teams in each age division were:
- Beginner (8-10 year olds)
1st place- Awesome Appaloosas- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club
Members: Camille Book, Bailey Lecates, Rilynn Lecates, Sarah Melvin
2nd place- Pony Pals- STEAMrollers/On-Target 4-H Clubs
Members: Alexa Cruz, Sophia Mast
- Intermediate (11-13 year olds)
1st place- Pony Patrol- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club
Members: Juliette Anger, Lillie Bradley, Taylor Melvin, Brooke Taylor
2nd place- Heavenly Hooves Trio- Heavenly Hooves 4-H Club
Members: Jocelyn Retkowski, Jordanne Retkowski, Josiah Retkowski
- Senior (14-19 year olds)
1st place- Equinators 9.0- Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club
Members: Paige Allen, Paige Taylor, Grace Workman
2nd place- Centering Cowgirls-Country Clovers/On-Target 4-H Clubs
Members: Emily Davis, Abby Mast
3rd place- Sunset Branch 4-H Club
Members: Quinton Ashman, Sedona Ashman, Kieran Probert
4-H is a community of young people across Delaware learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. For more information on becoming a 4-H member or volunteer in Delaware, please contact your county extension office:
New Castle County: (302)831-8965
Kent County: (302)730-4000
Sussex County: (302)856-7303
Cooperative Extension Education in Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Delaware, Delaware State University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. It is the policy of the Delaware Cooperative Extension System that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, age, or national origin.