
County Demonstration Contest

May 19, 2022

Entries DUE May 5, 2022

The County Demonstration Contest will be held on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at the Kent County Extension Office. Participants will indicate their arrival time at registration. 4-H members can select from the list of available project areas on the entry form to present an Individual Demonstration or a Team Demonstration on any subject matter related to that project area. Individual demonstrations consist of one 4-H member and Team Demonstrations consist of two 4-H members from Kent County. Demonstration Guidelines are available and can be found on the State 4-H website under Contest & Event Information. Participating in the County Demonstration Contest is a great opportunity to show your presentation skills while teaching others about your 4-H project areas. Please contact the 4-H Office if you need additional information about this event. The registration form and Guidelines for this event can be found in this post below. Online registration is now available at : 2022 Kent County 4-H Demonstration Contest

Registration Form and Guidelines (printable PDF)

Helpful Hints for 4-H Demonstrations

