
Cookbook Fundraiser for Sussex Exchange Group

Each cookbook is $20.00 and features over 150 recipes from family and friends of DE 4-H.

To order a cookbook, contact any Sussex Exchange Group member or Kim Elliott (302) 245-1998 or

Gina Anger (302) 542-7717

Thank you for your support!

Support Sussex 4-H Exchange Group - Cookbook Fundraiser. Featuring over 150 recipes from family and friends of Delaware 4-H. Plus, lots of great cooking and baking tips and guides. $20 get your copy now! Cookbook order form - name, phone number club or county 4-H quantity number at $20 per bookj amount due. Once your order is processed, we will be in touch to arrange pickup or delivery. We accept cash, check and Venmo. Make checks payable to : Sussex County 4-H. To order, see any 4-H Exchange Member or contact: Kim Elliott (302)245-1998 or Gina Anger (302)542-7717
