
Delaware 4-H Senior Spotlights 2024

Class of 2024

Delaware 4-H congratulates our 4-H High School Seniors! We are proud of each one of you! You have made a positive impact on our program, and we look forward to what your future holds! Thank you to all members who submitted Senior Spotlights below!


Carter Bradley – Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club

Carter Bradley is a senior at Sussex Academy where he is a three-year member of the swim team, winning three Henlopen Division Championships.  He is active in the Student Government Association, theatre, and is a member of the National Honor Society and Tri-M Honor Society. Including three years as a Cloverbud, Carter has been involved in 4-H for 12 years. He was a Delaware State Public Speaking Champion, Northeast Regional Public Speaking Winner, President of the Bridgeville Mustangs, President of the Sussex County Junior Council and a State Ambassador to the State Teen Council.  He is the returning echo of the Moon & Stars at Week 2 of Delaware 4-H State Camp and represented Delaware at the National LifeSmart’s competition in San Diego.  He was a delegate to National 4-H Congress and attended National 4-H Conference.  He was awarded the Diamond Clover Award for his work collecting hygiene items for local homeless shelters. Outside of 4-H and school Carter is a member of the Delaware State Fair Junior Board and a member of MAKO Swim Club.  He will attend Salisbury University in the fall studying Political Science as part of the Clarke Honors College.




Zachary Buck – DE Homesteading 4-H Club

Zachary Buck, a homeschooled senior, has been a 4-H member in Memphis, TN; Richmond, VA; and here in DE where he was President of the Bear 4-H and an active member of HAWA (Health and Wellness Ambassadors).  He was a member of the Junior Forestry team in Memphis, won a Piggy Bank competition, attended the Healthy Living Summit, and organized a team in the CANgineering competition.  Outside of 4-H, Zach has been a competitor in various State Fairs, plays the clarinet, played on two hockey teams, and helps backstage with a local dance company’s productions.  Zach plans on working towards an environmental degree while continuing to play and coach hockey.





Brooke Elliott – Clover Knights 4-H Club
Brooke Elliott is a 9-year member of the Clover Knights 4-H Club, and currently active in Sussex 4-H Junior Council and Exchange Group. In her club she currently serves as Vice President but has held numerous other leadership positions.  During her time in 4-H she has been involved in lots of events/projects, with her favorites being archery, animal science, talent show, state fair, and the exchange program. In high school, Brooke is an honor-roll student, in the carpentry tech area, and is currently performing her work-based learning with DelDOT.  As an elective, Brooke opted to take welding, which has become her newfound passion and led to her journey after high school.  After graduation she plans to attend a trade school to fulfill her goal of becoming a certified welder. Knowing her determination; she will do just that.  Congrats and best wishes to Brooke as she embarks on her next adventure!   


Bailey Fletcher – Hollymount 4-H Club


Bailey is graduating from Cape Henlopen High School in June.  He has excelled academically while completing 15 AP and college level courses.  He was the state champion pole vaulter for the indoor track seasons in 2023 and 2024 and will continue his pole-vaulting career at The Ohio State University.  Bailey will be majoring in Biology with a premedical concentration. 

Bailey is a 13-year member of the Hollymount 4-H club and enjoys serving on the State Teen Council.  His major projects include sheep, leadership, public presentations, and outdoor recreation.  His favorite 4-H memories were made at Delaware State 4-H Camp and include being named echo of the Bears and receiving the Health H at first week in 2023.  Bailey is thankful for the friendships, skills, and opportunities that 4-H has given him.


Rebecca Kemp – Harrington Sunshine 4-H Club


Rebecca Kemp will be graduating from Lake Forest High School. Rebecca will graduate with a dual pathway. She has been a member of Harrington Sunshine where she held the office of reporter, secretary, vice president and president. Also, she has been active in many project groups. Rebecca has been accepted to Goldey Beacom where she will be studying Psychology. She plans to continue her education and become a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist. 





Kyle Kerr – Bridgeville Mustangs 4-H Club
Kyle has been a member of 4-H for the past 10 years. He has participated in multiple events from State Camp, Legislative Day, Favorite Foods Contest and so much more. Kyle has held many leadership positions, including President of State Teen Council, Sussex County Jr. Council and The Bridgeville Mustangs. Kyle has participated in 3 national events including, National Summit, National Conference, and National Congress. Kyle has enjoyed being a Counselor at both Younger Member Weekend and Environmental Camp. Kyle has loved every moment of his 4-H career and everything he has learned.

Outside of 4-H, Kyle is also very active in his school. Kyle is a senior at Woodbridge High School where he is a member of National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society and Business Professionals of America. Kyle plans on continuing his education as he plans to receive a business degree at Delaware Technical and Community College.



Noah McDerby – Porter Gang 4-H Club

Noah began his adventures with 4-H in 2017 and has enjoyed every moment. He has served as Treasurer, Secretary and Vice President of his club.  In addition to Porter Gang, Noah is a member of the C3 Camp Counselor Club and NCC Junior Council, currently serving as Secretary for both.  Some of his favorite highlights include being a Thunderbird at week 2 of State 4-H Camp, being named the Spark in 2023, as well as serving as a summer camp counselor for State Environmental Camp and NCC Day Camp, and State Teen Conferences. 

Outside of 4-H, Noah enjoys being on the stage and has been an active participant in his school’s theater program.  He has performed in Mary Poppins, The Addams Family, Music Man, Cinderella, and his favorite role as Mr. Wadsworth in Clue.  Noah will be attending the University of Delaware this fall in the Honors Program studying Mechanical Engineering.



Edwin Noon – Country Clovers 4-H Club

Edwin Noon has been a member of 4-H since 2016. In that time, he has enjoyed meetings with his club, the Country Clovers, and all the projects that they do. He started doing Consumer Bowl in 2018. He also has participated in Horse Bowl and Hippology over the years and was part of the team, the “Happy View Country Clovers,” that took first place in the Senior level Horse Bowl. Edwin earned his Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts in January 2024, the culmination of years of hard work and community service.

Edwin joined the Country Clovers LifeSmarts team in January 2023. The Country Clovers won a very close contest with the Bridgeville Mustangs in March of 2023, and in April found themselves in Cincinnati at the National competition! The Country Clovers tied for 5th in the nation! Eddie wanted to be a part of this experience again, and again, the Country Clovers are going to the National LifeSmarts competition in San Diego. As the lone returning Country Clover, Eddie will serve as Team Captain this year. Edwin will also graduate from Sussex Academy with a 4.5 GPA on May 31 and will be making the decision as to his college enrollment soon!



Sophia Noon – Country Clovers 4-H Club

Sophie Noon has served the Country Clovers 4-H Club’s reporter for the past three years and has been in 4-H for about seven years. Competing at the fair and exhibiting projects has been a highlight of her time in 4-H. She has participated in events such as Hippology, Horse Bowl, and Consumer Bowl. Recently she represented Delaware 4-H a the National LifeSmarts competition.  Sophie is a senior at Sussex Academy High School where she is a member of the Green Team.  She enjoys helping to plan out activities for the students to learn all about the Earth and help promote the Green Team. She is also a member of the National Science Honor Society. Outside of academics she loves to play softball and has played on her high school varsity team for four years. Next year, Sophie will be taking her love for science and studying biomedical engineering in college.

Edwin and Sophie’s mom remembers with special fondness the demonstrations that Sophie and Eddie did together over the years when they were younger. She cherishes the relationships built, and the skills that Sophie and Eddie gained along the way.



Brock O’Day – Stateline 4-H Club

Brock O’Day, of the Stateline 4-H Club, is a Senior at Sussex Tech High School.  Some highlights from Brock’s 4-H experience are the various community service projects, livestock projects, and camps.  However, hands down, Brock’s favorite time as a 4-H member has been attending State Camp every year.   Brock can’t wait to be the Voice of the Bears this summer! 

State Camp helped Brock become a leader, not only in 4-H but in Sports as well.  Brock played football and baseball all 4 years while excelling in his academics.  Brock also rented and farmed 77 acres of corn and soybeans during his high school career.  His education from Sussex Tech’s Agriscience Pathway and his hands-on experience on the farm will help Brock as he continues his education at the University of Kentucky studying Ag Economics.  




Ava Raughley – Porter Gang 4-H Club

Ava Raughley is a graduating NCC Senior from Ursuline Academy. She has been a member of Porter Gang 4-H club for 10 years & is currently serving as NCC Jr. Council President and State Teen Council Vice President. Her favorite projects include citizenship & leadership.  A highlight of last year was being named as Echo of the Thunderbird people at State Camp week one and being honored with the Hands H at High Council. 

Next year Ava will be attending Virginia Tech in Human Development with the desire to be a Speech Pathologist after grad school. Ava is very thankful for the outstanding experiences, skills learned, and lifelong friendships that 4-H brought to her life.




Victoria Smith – Milford 4-H Club


Victoria Smith is a member of the Milford 4-H Club. Tori joined 4-H as a Cloverbud when she was five years old. She has held the offices of treasurer and president of her club. Tori’s project areas include horses, goats, foods and nutrition, leadership, gardening and wood science. Her favorite 4-H events include the favorite foods contest, pumpkin contest, horse bowl, goat shows, and the Delaware State Fair. In the fall, Tori will be attending Delaware Tech where she plans to pursue her dream of becoming a vet tech.




Rain Vasey – Houston Cardinals 4-H Club
Rain has been an extremely active member for 14 years, providing many hours of volunteer work during this time.  She earned the 4-H Diamond Clover Service Award for teaching Mental Wellness Teen Art Journaling workshops to various youth and youth groups in the community.  She has provided tremendous leadership, such as being a counselor for many 4-H camps and weekend overnighters and was a 4-H State Pollinator Ambassador, dressed as character “SuperBee,” providing educational presentations to various youth audiences.

  “Most people don’t know that I’m restoring a 1973 VW Bus. It’s a light blue Type II model with a pop-up roof and just the right amount of rust! What began as a sad piece of junk has transpired into the cutest vehicle ever! My cute bus will be ‘high styling’ on university grounds!”

“4-H has taught me many life skills! Last year, I began my own flower farming business, and this week I’m planting seedlings. I look forward to selling bouquets and welcoming customers to my you-pick events. I’m honored to provide my garden’s beauty to my community! I’m so very thankful to Delaware 4-H !!!”



Ainsley West – Hollymount 4-H Club

Ainsley has had an incredible 4-H career! She has traveled to DC for National Ag Summit and National Conference and Atlanta for National Congress. Her sheep project grew from 2 lambs to a thriving breeding stock and wool business. And she says all the leadership and public speaking helped her become 2022 Delaware Teen Miss United State Agriculture and 2023 Sheep and Wool Ambassador.  She has said her favorite part of 4-H has been being a Jr. Leader and State Teen Council member. 

Because of that love, we won’t be losing her next year, as she has decided to do her first few years at Delaware Tech in their Agriculture Production program. What the future holds for our Ainsley is unwritten, but because of 4-H, it will be even better than the best.




Melanie Witte – Porter Gang 4-H Club

Melanie Witte is currently a Senior at Octorara High School. She is looking forward to continuing her education at Alvernia University where she will major in Biochemistry and minor in Pre-dental.  She aspires to attend dental school and become a pediatric dentist. Melanie’s favorite hobbies include reading, singing, drawing, and hanging out with friends.

Melanie is currently President of the Porter Gang 4-H Club. She is also Vice President of the NCC Jr. Council and a Delaware 4-H State Ambassador. She has enjoyed competing in public speaking contests and submitting photos at the fair. However, her favorite part of 4-H was State Camp. She will always cherish the memories made there.




Sara Zink – Peach Blossom 4-H Club


Sara Zink is a graduating senior at Lake Forest High School and will be attending Del-Tech in the fall where she will major in Criminal Justice.  She is a seven-year member of the Peach Blossom 4-H club, where her projects included Dairy, Leadership, and Foods & Nutrition.  She currently is the Vice President of her 4-H club, is active in Jr. Council and the Kent County Exchange Program.  When Sara is not busy with 4-H, she enjoys painting, going to the beach and hanging out with friends.  She also enjoys showing Dairy cows for G & S Dairy, the Favorite Foods Contest and of course State Camp.  4-H has inspired her to help the community in which she has grown up in and pursue a career as a 911 dispatcher.




