
Upcoming Events and Deadlines

State Camp Registration opens for Active 4-H Members – March 1 at 10:00 AM
Clothing and Textile Showcase Intent Forms  Due – March 28
Sewing Contest Intent Forms Due – March 28
Clothing Showcase Garments and Applications due to the County Office by Close of Business (4:30 PM) – April 8
 Ready to Wear Portfolio due to the County Office by Close of Business (4:30 PM) – April 8
Sewing Contest entries due to the County Office by Close of Business (4:30 PM) – April 8
Horticulture Judging Contest – April 10
Wildlife Judging Contest – April 10
Fine Arts Contest Entries due April 12 to the County Office
Clothing Judging Contest– April 14
Demonstration Contest entries due to the County Office – April 15

03/27 – Junior Leader Retreat RSVP due
03/28 – Kent County Links Meeting
03/28- Clothing and Textile Showcase Intent Forms  Due
03/28 –
Sewing Contest Intent Forms Due
03/28- Health and Wellness Ambassador Meeting


04/01 – Delaware State Fair Entry System Opens
04/05 – Litter Barrel Entries due to the County Office
Junior Leader Retreat
04/08 – Clothing Showcase Garments and Applications due to the County Office by Close of Business (4:30 PM)
04/08 – Ready to Wear Portfolio due to the County Office by Close of Business (4:30 PM)
04/08- Sewing Contest entries due to the County Office by Close of Business (4:30 PM)
04/10 – Horticulture Judging Contest
04/10 – Wildlife Judging Contest
04/12Fine Arts Contest Entries due to the County Office
04/14 – Clothing Showcase at the New Castle Building DSF
04/14 – Clothing Judging Contest
04/15 – Demonstration Contest entries due to the County Office
04/16 – Leaders Meeting 7:00 PM
04/16 – Junior Council Meeting 7:00 PM
04/16 – 4-H Exchange Meeting 6:00 PM
04/19-20 – Health and Wellness Ambassador Overnighter
04/20 – Club News due to the County Office
04/22-26Fine Arts Contest Display at the Kent County Public Library
04/24- 05/04 – Spring Paper Clover
04/24DE 4-H Legislative Day
04/25 – Demonstration Contest
Health and Wellness Ambassador Meeting
04/29 – Make-Up Demonstration Contest Entries due
