
Kent County 4-H Public Speaking Contest 

January 21, 2024

Date: Sunday, January 21, 2024
Registration Due: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Arrival Time: 1:00 PM – Junior and Senior Divisions
1:30 PM – Beginner and Cloverbud Divisions
Location: Kent County Levy Court
555 S. Bay  Road
Dover, DE 19901

This is a great time to get started by choosing a topic you would like to talk about in this contest. Please keep these ideas in mind when writing your speech. Public Speaking participants should write speeches with topics that are special or interesting to them.  Public Speaking is not a demonstration contest, so posters and props should not be used. You have lots of time to write and practice your speech. When choosing a topic, consider your other 4-H projects, your pets, school activities, or a special community issue that you would like to stress. Your speech can be serious, funny, or sad. All speeches should be informational, and they will be scored on the organization of the information, use of communication skills, and contact with the audience. The participants should write his or her own speech. Public Speaking General Rules and Entry Form are linked below.

Introducing this year: Extemporaneous Speaking Contest for Senior Division


New this Year: Registration is through 4-H Online. Follow these steps to register for the Public Speaking Contest.
  • Sign in to your 4-H Online Account
  • Click on the Public Speaking Event
  • Choose your member
  • Complete the form


This program is brought to you by the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, a service of the UD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources — a land-grant institution. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. If you have special needs or concerns that need to be accommodated, please contact the office two weeks prior to the event at 302-730-4000.

