
#DE4HSPIRIT   4-H Week – Ocotber 1-7, 2023

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Tag @Delaware4H
Make your posts public
Members will be entered for a prize
drawing for each day they post!

Oct. 1: Service Sunday 

Share a favorite service activity 

Oct. 2: Memory Monday 

Share a recent 4-H-related photo of you

Oct. 3: Thankful Tuesday 

Shoutout to someone who has impacted your 4-H journey. Include a photo if you want!

Oct. 4: Wellness Wednesday

Show how you stay healthy 

Oct. 5: Throwback Thursday 

Post one of your favorite old 4-H pictures 

Oct. 6: Favorite Project Friday

Share your fav. project area 

Oct. 7: Story Saturday 

Share the impact 4-H has made on your life!

4-H Logo - Green clover with four H's
