Clothing Showcase 2023
Sunday, April 23, 2023
New Castle Building, DSF
Clothing Showcase
This event allows 4-H’ers to showcase their sewing skills, consumer skills, or both as they participate in three areas of competition. 4-H’ers can participate in one portion, two portions, or all portions of the showcase. 4-H’ers must be present on the day of the showcase to interview with the judge for the Clothing Construction Contest and Ready to Wear Contest. 4-H’ers are not required to be present if they are only exhibiting sewing projects. Comprehensive information about the Delaware 4-H Clothing Showcase, including items linked inline below, is available at
- Express your interest by completing and submitting the Intent to Participate Form ( by April 3, 2023.
Prepare for the Clothing Showcase
Clothing Construction Contest
Ready to Wear Contest
Sewing Contest
Submit your Clothing Showcase materials to Your Respective County 4-H Office before the deadline of April 17, 2023, close of business (4:30 pm).