Peach Blossom 4-H Club
Reporter: Lexi Hay
Peach blossom has started the 4-H year with a busy one! We started with a yearly planning meeting with the officers and some members of the chapter to plan out the yearly theme, monthly themes, and topics. We then had our new member night which we gained a lot of new and excited members to join in the 4-H program. Peach Blossom then had their monthly meeting, where our Jr leaders led some get-to-know-you activities, we had a Project Leader fair where project leaders met with parents to discuss the projects of the year. Our club members have already started off their community service by keeping the Farmington Pavilion cleaned up and also participating in a Bowers Beach clean-up day. Peach Blossom is currently working on their window display and can’t wait to get it set up. Along with project groups have started to meet, one being our first archery meeting with lots of excitement and new members, Many other project groups will begin in October. Peach Blossom is ready and excited for a great year.

Harrington Sunshine 4-H Club
Reporter: Anthony Blanchette

Harrington Sunshine had our first club meeting of the new 4-H Year on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. There were 38 members present.  The meeting was called to order by President Carmie Blanchette and the Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge were led. We have been working on our Club Window Display and are looking forward to seeing what place our hard work got us. We would like to also welcome our officer team for this year: Carmen Blanchette (President), Weston Williams (Vice-President), Rebecca Kemp (Secretary), Alexis Starke (Treasurer), and Anthony Blanchette (Club Reporter). Our officers would like to welcome all new members to their first year and all members to a fresh new 4-H year. Our next meeting will be on October 3rd, 2022!

