
Virtual Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl Contest

Online Competition Conducted Between April 15-24, 2022
Preregistration Required- Registration Open 3/21/22-4/8/22


If you have special needs that need to be accommodated, please contact the office two weeks prior to the event so that we can make alternate arrangements


General Rules, Regulations, and Entry

1.    Selection of Teams, Contestants, and Eligibility

  • Youth must be currently enrolled members of the Delaware 4-H Program. Youth can compete in both the individual and team categories. The same score will be utilized for both categories.
  • Team entries must consist of three (3) to four (4) members each. Teams may be comprised of members from multiple 4-H clubs and/or across counties. We will do our best to create teams for those members who wish to compete as part of a team and do not have a team within their club.
  • All contestants must have passed their 8th  birthday and must not have passed their 19th birthday as of January 1st of the current year.
  • Contestants may not have participated in a previous National Horse Bowl Contest as an official member or alternate.
  • Contestants must be entered in the appropriate age division (as of 1/1/22):  8-10, 11-13, 14-19. Any team whose members come from two age groups must compete in the older group.


  1. Questions may be from:
  • 4-H Horse Manuals (blue cover 2015 version):

“Giddy Up and Go”, “Head, Heart and Hooves”, “Stable Relationships”, “Riding the Range,” “Jumping to New Heights,” “Horse Project Helper’s Guide.,” and 4-H Horse curriculum corrections found online at www.n4hccs.org.  2015 version 4-H Horse Manuals 

  • In addition to the 4-H Horse Project manuals:

Age 8-10:              Horse Care for Kids, by Cherry Hill

Age 11-13:            Your Horse, a step-by-step guide to horse ownership, by Judy Chapple (and age 8-10 material).
Horses and Horsemanship – by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council

Age 14 and older: Storey’s Horse-Lover’s Encyclopedia, edited by Deborah Burns (and age 8-10 and 11-13 material).

Horse Science– by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council

Questions will be comprised from the following three categories:

  • Regular questions (worth 1 point each).
  • Toss-up questions (worth 1 point each) The only difference between a regular and a toss-up question would be that toss-up questions would have a bonus question attached to each and, in general, would be somewhat more difficult than the regular questions.
  • Bonus questions (worth a pre-determined 1-3 points); Bonus questions will be offered only if a toss-up question is answered correctly.

The Qualtrics online platform will be used to administer the contest and will be open for completion between April 15-24, 2022.  The system will close at midnight on the 24th. Youth may only complete the contest one time.  Youth must complete their own work without any outside assistance (adults, other youth, the internet, reference books, etc.)

  1. Entries

Youth must be pre-entered to compete in the contest. Entries must be made online via the University of Delaware IdLoom system and will be open between March 21 and April 8


A valid email address that is used regularly should be used at the time of entry. This email address will receive the contest information and link.

There will be no entry fee for the 2022 contest.

Teams must be preregistered in order to compete in the 4-H Horse Bowl. Entries will not be accepted during the contest. If you have registered for the Horse Bowl, you will receive an email confirmation prior to the start of the contest.

  1. Scoring

Individual scores will be calculated based on the number of correct answers Team scores will be calculated by adding the top three scores from a four-member team and dropping the lowest score. In a three-member team, no low score will be dropped.

  1. Awards

Awards will be presented to the top placing individuals and teams in each category.  The Danish system will also be utilized to present individual awards beyond the top placing individuals.  Danish system awards will be based on the following scale:

  • Blue (90% or greater correct)
  • Red (75%- 89% correct)
  • Yellow (74% and below correct)

6. Rules

  • Youth must complete their own work without any outside assistance (from parents, leaders, other members, and teammates, internet searches, reference books, etc.) If special accommodations are needed to complete the contest in this virtual format, please contact Susan Garey truehart@udel.edu or (302)730-4000.
  • In order to assist with creating a sense of competition in a virtual format, participants will not be able to return to questions.
  • In order to assist with creating a sense of competition in a virtual format, the questions will auto advance to keep participants from lingering too long on a single question. Youth will have a maximum of two minutes to answer each question before it auto advances.


 Cooperative Extension Education in Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Delaware, Delaware State University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating.  Distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30,1914.  It is the policy of the Delaware Cooperative Extension System that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, age, or national origin

2022 Virtual Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl Contest (printable PDF)
