
Westville’s 4-H  Upcoming And Past Events
Reporter: Kenedy Barrett

Past Events
Last month was a good one. Westville all had a good Christmas and enjoyed the events that took place. Last lean up all the wreaths that were placed. Lastly, we also participated in the Salvation Army’s bell-ringing this year and we are excited to announce that we made $332 in the 4 hours that we were there. Another successful event!

New Events
We don’t really have a lot going on in the month of February but we do have some of our club members getting ready for the public speaking competitions. Best of wishes, and luck, goes out to our club members. We have also been informed that one of our club member’s father (Emily Ford) has fallen ill. We are all thinking of their family and keeping the Ford’s in our prayers. That’s it for this month of reporting, see you in February!

Midstate 4-H Club News
Reporter: Sydney Hall

The Midstate 4-H club was held on Sunday, January 2nd. After the pledges and opening the meeting we had standard meeting duties, including 4H club announcements, roll call, and treasury reports. The healthy living officer led the club members in a game of sharks and minnows for the physical activity aspect of the meeting. The formal meeting was then adjourned so that we could split into different club activities. We had four project groups that members could join – making an electric game board, preparing for the public speaking contest, a science lesson and activity, and a community service project which was making dog treats for the SPCA. The meeting ended after a few hours, with plans to meet again in February.

