
Westville 4-H Upcoming And Past Events
Reporter: Kenedy Barrett

 Past Events
One of the events that have taken place is the Expo at the Delaware State Fair.  A few of our kids went but not a lot participated, although still had a great time. Another event took place at the Gaines’ house for our window display project. This year we picked the topic of “ Shooting for the Stars in 4-H. ” Overall our project looked very well and everyone had fun creating it. We are displaying this window display at Mrs. Kim Gaines Animal Hospital on Forest Avenue Rd. We are still waiting on the judges’ results on how we did for this project. And finally, we just had our elections of officers on Monday the 11th, our new Reporter is Kenedy Barrett, Secretary is Lilly Allaband, Treasurer is Emily Ford, Vice President is Caroline Allen, and our President is Vanessa Gaines.
New Events
We are kicking off our Fall season very well this year! We have Great Pumpkin Day coming up on October 14th, 2021.  I do believe some of our Westville kids will be attending this event. Although Fall has just started we have already started thinking about some of our Winter events. For instance, we have just discussed our Trim-a-Tree thoughts and we are going to go with a hunting theme this year, we already have some great ideas! We are also preparing for Wreaths Across America. We are very excited to take a day in remembrance of our fallen soldiers and the ones that still serve today. Thank you to our soldiers!


Fall is in the air and a new 4-H year has started!  Our club is busy already.   From shooting skeet to practicing for upcoming contests, to learning new things.  Recently we had Dr. Dayton come to our local barn and talk about equine first aid.  Learning to take temps, finding a horse’s pulse, and listening to the horse’s stomach.  Gut sounds in a horse are very important to know to recognize harmful changes that may hurt our horse.  Dr. Dayton also instructed us on basic signs of colic, foundering, and lameness in horses.  Again, very important info for us horse owners.  We are looking forward to working on our Trim-A-Tree for this year and have already signed up to volunteer at Mt Olive Cemetery to help with the Wreaths Across America in December.  School is in full swing for us all and we look forward to all the fun upcoming 4-H events planned.  From all of us at Ponies and Pintails 4-H Club, we want to wish all other students a great school and 4-H year too!

Heritage 4H Club News
By Sarah Armstrong, 4H Club Reporter

On September 19th the Heritage 4H club was lucky to have toured Hidden Haven Equine.  Hidden Haven Equine is a non-profit organization that helps many people using equine therapy. We got to walk and take care of ponies. It was lots of fun.

In addition to the tour, we worked on our window display with the theme “3,2,1 Blast Into 4-H”.  The display was shown at Shore United Bank on October 6th to the 12th.

October 6th through the 12th club members donated to the Tractor Supply Paper Clover fundraiser. Did you donate too?

We held another meeting on October 6th where we finalized the window display and discussed some recent contests such as the Lions National Peace Poster Contest.
Members of Heritage 4-H club attended the October 17th, 2021, Kent County 4H banquet. Many awards were received by members for their efforts and projects. Additionally, our club was recognized for getting first place in this year’s window display!

October 17th; we decorated pumpkins for the Great Pumpkin Day to be held on October 24th at Loblolly Acres. Some members painted while others carved their pumpkins.  Hope to see you there with your entries!

Peach Blossom
Reporter: Mason Hay

Hello everyone and Happy Fall!!

Peach Blossom has been busy already this 4H year! We have completed to outdoor meetings, our September meeting we had hybrid along with in person, the members did get to know you games, and project leaders had tables set up to introduce their project group! October was once again outside with a fun Hayride to end the meeting. Peach blossom project groups have kicked off and working towards another great year. Peach Blossom just recently held a 4-H STEM Challenge event on Oct. 13.  We did two of the four activities from Galactic Quest. In Cipher Space we learned about encryption and in Stellar Optics, we learned about constellations. Peach blossom is planning for their Family member night that is held each year this year will be different as we are planning an outdoor event. Peach blossom is hard at work and looking forward to a great year.  Peach Blossom also has an Instagram we encourage you to follow us to see all the fun things we are doing. See the scan code attached to join our Instagram.

Midstate 4-H Club News
By Sydney Hall

The Midstate 4-H club was held and led by the president -Bryan Couzens, Vice-president- Riley Buchman, Secretary/Reporter – Sydney Hall, Treasurer – Mason Buchman, Sunshine – Elizabeth Couzens, and our Healthy Living Officer- Michael Dixon who led us in a game as our ice breaker.  We also had Riley talk to us about The Grass Roots Dog Rescue and she brought their foster dog for all of us to meet. Our club made a motion to donate to the organization.   After we went over the agenda, we also participated in making a fall wreath, an electric game board, a community service project, and archery.  We had a great time.  We are looking forward to participating in Great Pumpkin Day at the end of the month and to making ornaments for Trim-a-tree for next month.

Kent County Jr. Council Club News October 2021
Brenna Geidel – Reporter

Kent County Jr. Council held its third meeting of the year on October 26th. We started off this meeting by participating in a leadership activity. We then reviewed old business. We moved on to talk about upcoming community service opportunities including the Teddy Bear Drive and Code Purple Donations. We would like to remind everyone that Trim-A-Tree entrees are due November 16th and that Diamond Clover level 6 intents are due December 1st. We also discussed upcoming summits including the Healthy Living summit and Agri-Science summit. At the end of the meeting, we had a bonfire to allow members to continue to get to know each other. We encourage more people to come and join us at our next meeting!

