
Upcoming Kent County 4-H Events and Deadlines

Youth Essay and Video Virtual Showcase Contest! Sponsored by: MidAtlantic Farm Credit- due September 15th

2021 4-H STEM Challenge – Galactic Quest

Kent County 4-H Achievement Banquet at the Delaware State Fair Exhibit Hall October 17th

Achievement Banquet Award Applications due September 21st

Project and General Record Books due to September 21st

9/01 – Enrollment/Reenrollment begins for 2021-2022 4-H year4-H Online
9/06- Labor Day – Kent County Office Closed
9/11-12 – Delaware Livestock Expo
9/15-Youth Essay and Video Virtual Showcase Contest! Sponsored by: MidAtlantic Farm Credit – due
9/16- Archery Training 6:00 PM Kent County Extension Office – registration required
9/20- Club News due to the County Office
9/21 – Leader’s Meeting – 7:00 PM Kent County Extension Office
9/21- Project and General record Books due to the County Office
9/21- Achievement Banquet Award applications due to the County Office
9/23- Kent County Link’s Meeting – 7:00 PM Kent County Extension Office
9/25- Archery Training – 8:30 AM  Kent County Extension Office
9/28- 4-H Exchange Meeting – 6:00 PM Kent County Extension Office
9/28 – Junior Council Meeting – 7:00 PM Kent County Office

10/01 – Window Display Entry Forms due to the County Office
10/01 – Goat Award Essays due
10/01 – Delaware 4-H Foundation Grant Application Due
10/03-09 – National 4-H Week
10/04 – Window Display’s in place
10/06-17 – Fall Paper Clover at our local Tractor Supply
10/.08 – Achievement Banquet RSVP due to the County Office
10/17 – Kent County 4-H Achievement Banquet at the Delaware State Fair Exhibit Hall
10/19- Leader’s Meeting – 7:00 PM Kent County Extension Office
10/20 – Club News due to the County Office
10/23- New Leader Training – 9-12 PM Kent County Extension Office
10/24 – Great Pumpkin Day
10/26 – 4-H Exchange Meeting – 6:00 PM Kent County Extension Office
10/26 – Junior Council Meeting – 7:00 PM Kent County Extension Office
