

55th Annual Delaware 4-H Horse Show

Saturday, August 14, 2021, 9 am
Rain or Shine
Quillen Covered Arena, Delaware State Fairgrounds, US Route 13, Harrington, DE

Proof of Negative Coggin’s Test and a Certificate of Vaccination for Equine Influenza and
Rhinopheumonitis (EHV) within the past 180 days required to show.
All exhibitors are required to wear an ASTM/SEI-approved helmet whenever mounted or driving.

Designated parking area to be determined.

Cooperative Extension in Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Delaware, Delaware State College, the US Dept of Agriculture cooperating. It is the policy of Delaware Cooperative Extension that no person shall be subject to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, handicap, age or national origin.

4-H Horses - a horse shadow with the 4-H Logo

4-H Horse Advisory Committee

Elrita Annett ~ Greenwood
Kay Betts ~ Felton
Ann Blackmore ~ Middletown
Pam Collins ~ Townsend
Doug Crouse ~ State 4-H Program Leader
Susan Garey ~ Extension Agent, Animal Sciences
Sharon Little ~ Harrington
Kacie Messick ~ Harrington
Nina O’Bryan ~ Dover
Rebecca Smith ~ Henderson, MD
Heather Taylor ~ Bridgeville
Elena Wise ~ Smyrna

For information call Susan Garey 730-4000, Becky Smith 373-4818

Delaware 4-H Horse Show

JUDGE                    Leroy Boyles
SECRETARIES       Pam Collins, Nina O’Bryan
STEWARDS             Susan Garey, Becky Smith
RINGMASTERS       Elena Wise
CHAIRPERSON       Pam Collins, Becky Smith
POINT KEEPER      Ann Blackmore
VETERINARIAN      Will Be On-Call
GATE/RIBBONS      Heather Taylor

Thank You
Gold Sponsors

Delaware 4-H Horse Advisory Committee

Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors



Delaware 4-H Horse Show Rules


Limits of Responsibility: The 4-H Horse Advisory Committee, the show committee, and property owners will not be responsible for any accident, which may occur to any animal, person or property.


Qualifications for showing:

  • 4-H Exhibitors
    • The Horse Show is for 4-H club members of the Delmarva Peninsula and is sponsored by Delaware Cooperative Extension in cooperation with the Delaware 4-H Horse Advisory Committee. All participants must be bona fide 4-H club members in good standing as of March 1 of the current year, and be able to present some form of 4-H identification as proof of membership. Entries must be received in advance by August 1, 2021. Classes can be scratched or added up to and including the day of the show once they have entered.
    • 4-H Exhibitors must be at least 8 years of age, but not yet passed their 19th birthday on January 1 of the current year.
    • Cloverbuds are between the ages of 5-7 as of January 1st of the current year and receive participation ribbons only.
    • Sharing of mounts by two riders is permitted however the sharing must occur between a rider that meets the eligibility criteria for the Walk/Trot division and any division that requires a canter or lope. Classes will not be held for tack changes relative to sharing of mounts. Walk/Trot riders are not eligible for the Betty Niblett award.
  • Mounts:
    • Every horse and Pony must have the following:
      • Proof of Negative Coggin’s Test and a
      • Certificate of Vaccination for Equine Influenza and
      • Rhinopheumonitis (EHV) within the past 180 days required to show.
    • For all 4-H classes, a pony is any animal 14.2 hands and under. The steward will measure the animal if there is any doubt regarding the classification of an entry.
    • Stallions are not allowed to compete in any classes except Weanling or Yearlings in the Fitting and Showmanship classes.


Attire: Exhibitors must be neatly and appropriately attired for class showing. All exhibitors will be required to wear an ASTM/SEI-approved helmet whenever mounted or driving. Note: Chaps are optional when showing in Western Horsemanship.

Class Information

  • Entry fee will be $6.00 per class. Entries must be received in advance by August 1, 2021. Exhibitors may scratch or add classes up to and including the day of the show once they have entered. Entry forms are available on the State 4-H Animal Science webpage.  Numbers will be provided at the registration booth and must appear on the exhibitor before entering the ring.  It is suggested that exhibitors leave an open check on file in the show office to cover entry fees. No refunds given.
  • All exhibitors are required to show their projects in the Fitting and Showmanship Class in one division.
    • It is strongly encourage that exhibitors prepare their own animals for the Fitting and Showmanship class, without assistance except in holding, leading, and loading.
    • Western horses shall be shown in well-fitted halters.
    • English horses are to be shown in a properly-fitted bridle.
    • There will be no breed exceptions.
  • Patterns and courses will be posted at the registration booth the day of the show.
  • English Trail & Western Trail Classes are held concurrent with the other classes in south end of Quillen Arena.
  • A two (2) minute notice of class call will be given for all classes.
  • The show committee reserves the right to cancel, combine, or change the order of classes if circumstances warrant; and to exclude any horse or rider who, in the opinion of the judges, is unsafe, unfit or improper for competition.
  • The decision of the judge shall be final in all classes.
  • No persons other than those designated by the show committee will be allowed in the show ring.
  • Any act of disobedience or discourtesy to the judge or officials shall bar horse, rider, or owner from participation in the show.
  • Walk – Trot Class is open to any ages, but riders may not participate in any other classes that possibly require a canter or lope.


Awards: Prizes and 6 ribbons in each class except Dollar Bareback Class. Championship and Reserve Championship ribbons and awards are will be presented at the conclusion of the show.


Rule Book:

  • All classes will be judged according to the Delaware State 4-H Horse Show Rule Book. Any questions not covered in the rule book shall be referred to the Steward, whose decision shall be final. Rule books will be available at the entry booth the day of the show.
  • The Delaware 4-H Horse Advisory Committee will make all final decisions regarding interpretations of rules, including disputes and/or protests.


Safety: All exhibitors are required to wear an ASTM/SEI-approved helmet whenever mounted or driving.

  • Riders are urged to walk their horses outside of the show ring.
  • Cantering outside the show ring is not permitted except in the designated schooling area


Prizes and 6 ribbons in each class except Dollar Bareback Class.

 Western Fitting and Showmanship (Compulsory for all entrants)

  1. Ages 14-19-
  2. Ages 11-13 –
  3. Ages 8-10 –

 English Fitting and Showmanship (Compulsory for all entrants.)

  1. Ages 14-19 –
  2. Ages 11-13 –
  3. Ages 8-10 –

6a. Walk/Trot Fitting and Showmanship (Compulsory for all entrants) Open to riders of any age that are new to showing and not ready to canter or lope. Riders may not participate in any other classes that may require a canter or lope. Riders should never have cantered at a recognized or unrecognized competition. –

 7.Cloverbud Fitting and Showmanship youth 5-7 years of age, child must be at the lead and adult must accompany child in ring. Also eligible for class 11. No placing ribbons. Participation ribbons only –

 Walk-Trot Horsemanship/Equitation Class (English or Western) Walk-Trot Class is open to riders of any age that are new to showing and are not ready to canter.  Riders may not participate in any other classes that may require a canter or lope. Riders should never have cantered at a recognized or unrecognized competition. This class is for novice riders, not green horses. 

  1. Ages 14-19 Judged on performance of rider. Must have participated in Class 6a
  2. Ages 11-13 Must have participated in Class 6a –
  3. Ages 8-10 Must have participated in Class 6a –
  1. Cloverbud /Leadline- Riders 5-7 years of age. Also eligible for class 7. Leader must be capable of controlling horse/pony and be 14 or older. No placing ribbons. Participation ribbons only. –

Western Horsemanship: Judged on hands, seat, and general control of the mount at walk, jog, and lope, possibly to ride a pattern.  (Chaps are optional).

  1. Ages 14-19 –
  2. Ages 11-13 –
  3. Ages 8-10 –

English Equitation: Judged on hands, seat, and general control of mount at walk, trot, and canter, possibly to ride a pattern.

  1. Ages 14-19 –
  2. Ages 11-13 –
  3. Ages 8-10 –

English Trail & Western Trail Classes are held concurrent with the other classes in south end of Quillen Arena.  No schooling of ponies or horses over trail obstacles is permitted in advance of trail classes.

  1. Walk-Trot Trail Class: (English or Western) (Any age) Rules from Walk/Trot Class 8-10 apply.  Must have participated in class 6a.  Only eligible for Class 8, 9, 10, or 25 performance class –

English Trail Class:

Horses to work obstacles normally found on a trail ride. Manners and suitability to count.

  1. Horses –
  2. Ponies –

Western Trail Class: Horses to work obstacles normally found on a trail ride. Manners and suitability to count.

  1. Horses –
  2. Ponies –
  1. Cloverbud Leadline Trail- Riders 5-7 years of age. Also eligible for classes 7 and 11. Leader must be capable of controlling horse/pony and be 14 or older. No placing ribbons. Participation only-
  1. Open Pleasure Driving Class: Shown to a suitable vehicle. Vehicle shall be a pleasure type, 2 or 4 wheels, one horse vehicle. No stirrup-type carts, chariots, or racing sulkies will be allowed. Judged on performance, manner, and suitability for a pleasure driving horse. Additional rider over age 14 permitted. –
  1. Walk/Trot Pleasure: (English or Western) (Any age) Walk-Trot Pleasure is open to riders of any age that are new to showing and are not ready to canter. Riders may not participate in any other classes that may require a canter or lope. Riders should never have cantered at a recognized or unrecognized competition. This class is for novice riders, not green horses.

Western Pleasure Class: Judged for manners, way of going, and suitability as a pleasure horse at walk, jog, lope.

  1. Horses –
  2. Ponies –

Working Western Class: Walk, jog and lope on reasonably loose rein AND required to work a figure eight (no roll back or stops). Judged on manners, performance, suitability to rider, and ability to rein and handle easily.

  1. Horses –
  2. Ponies –

English Pleasure Class:  Judged on manners, way of going, and suitability as a pleasure horse at walk, trot, and canter.

  1. Horses –
  2. Ponies –

English Pleasure Hack Class: Under saddle to be shown at walk, trot, canter, to back easily, stand quietly, and possibly over a low jump. Judged on performance, manners, and suitability to purpose.

  1. Horses –
  2. Ponies- 

Miscellaneous Classes  (Open to English & Western horses & ponies combined)

  1. Ranch Pleasure Class- Horses and ponies to perform in a well broke, non-resistant, forward, soft and cadenced manner at all gaits. It is strongly suggested that Western tack is used.
  1. Command Class: Horses and ponies to perform gaits, walk, jog/trot, lope/canter, back when requested by judge.

Refusal to take commands immediately or break gait will cause elimination.  Last 6 will compete for ribbons.

  1. Consolation Class (Pleasure Tack) Open to all exhibitors who have not won a first or second in classes 12-33 at this

show, excluding Walk-Trot Classes and Open Pleasure Driving.

  1. Barrel Racing- It is strongly suggested that Western tack is used                  
  1. Egg and Spoon           
  1. Dollar Bareback 
  1. Costume (English and Western- 5-minute call)

All proceeds resulting from this show will be used to support 2021-2022 State 4-H horse activities.

Thank you for supporting 4-H horse activities!



Championship and Reserve Championship ribbons and awards sponsored by the Delaware Equine Council and the State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee will be given in each division and presented at the conclusion of the show.

Championships will be awarded to the horses and ponies with the most points in each division of classes:

WESTERN HORSE   21-26-28                                                               WESTERN PONY          22-27-29

ENGLISH HORSE     19-30-32                                                               ENGLISH PONY             20-31-33

WALK TROT CHAMPION 6a and 8 or 9 or 10 and 18 and 25

Betty Niblett Perpetual Trophy

A. Open to Delaware 4-H members only, beginner, junior and senior divisions. Walk/trot division is not eligible

B. Most points acquired in Showmanship and Equitation / Horsemanship (Classes 1-6 and 12-17).

C. For this award, same horse and same rider; one horse per rider.

D. Point Assignment: In classes of six or more, the top six will receive points, with first-place receiving six and each succeeding placing receiving one less point. Classes less than six, first place will receive points equal to number of participants in the class, with each succeeding placing receiving one less point. In case of tie for a trophy, a ride-off will determine the winner.
