
Kent County 4-H Livestock Show

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Schabinger Building

Delaware State Fairgrounds


COVID 19 Statement: The University of Delaware 4-H Program consistently seeks to take steps to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections (or any other spread of disease) in accordance with applicable law, regulation, and guidance provided by health authorities.  These efforts may include policies safeguards implemented by the University of Delaware 4-H Program such as symptom checks, social distancing, use of facial coverings, and isolating and quarantining when required.  Despite these efforts, the University of Delaware 4-H Program cannot categorically guarantee that any person participating in a 4-H event will not contract COVID-19 or any other communicable disease and any such person must assess and accept the risks of illness or injury for themselves.


**All County Show exhibitors that aren’t participating in the Jackpot, must be weigh in between 1-2:00 pm- scales will close for the day at 2:00 pm**


  1. All COVID protocols MUST be followed, or you will be excused from the show/barn/grounds and no refunds will be issued. Masks MUST be worn at all times in the barn. A COVID release and contract tracing form must be completed at check-in on show day. Handwashing and sanitizing stations will be available.


  1. Entries must be made online via IDLoom and entry fees ($8.00 per head) paid online no later than midnight on May 1, 2021. No late entries will be accepted.


  1. You must be pre-entered to participate. All exhibitors must have been enrolled in Kent County 4-H by March 1.  Current students that are members in good standing of a Kent County FFA chapter are also eligible to participate (Smyrna, Dover, Caesar Rodney, Polytech Lake Forest and Milford).  FFA members are limited to 2 animals total, species to be determined by the exhibitor.  Kent County 4-H members are limited to no more than two market animals per species.


  1. You may pen in the barn or show off of your trailer. Showing off of trailers is strongly encouraged to minimize the number of people in the barn. Trailer parking will be available to the east of the building.


  1. Animals must be owned by the exhibitor


  1. Age for Showmanship is 4-H age (as of January 1 of the current year).


  1. Cloverbuds (under 8 as of January 1) are only permitted to exhibit in the Cloverbud class for the species. Cloverbud classes are for participation only.


  1. Exhibitors must wear the show T-Shirt provided to them.


  1. Exhibitors must furnish their own bedding. Lambs, goats, and swine may only be bedded on shavings. Shavings will be available on the grounds for purchase.


  1. Automatic waters for hogs will not be available. Exhibitor must provide their own watering system.


  1. Shows will be going on concurrently in two rings. Only showmanship classes will be held for exhibitors showing in another ring. If there is a conflict, show officials must be notified prior to the start of the class. If there is a conflict with a market or breeding class, another exhibitor may show the animal.


  1. The Round Robin Supreme Showman competition will be held once showmanship is completed for all 4 species. The show will continue until that point, at which a break will be taken to prepare for the contest. At the conclusion of the Round Robin, the show will resume.


  1. Both heifer and steer calves are allowed in the feeder calf class. No bulls.


  1. A food truck as well a livestock supply trailer will be available.


  1. Tagging for the Delaware State Fair will not be available at this event.


  1. Exhibitors must clean their pens or their trailer area before they leave. Exhibitors are excused when they are done showing and should depart without interfering with the show or other exhibitors that are still showing.


Class List on Below

Swine Classes:

  1. Showmanship Ages 14-19
  2. Showmanship Ages 11-13
  3. Showmanship Ages 8-10
    Grand and Reserve Champion Showman
  1. Cloverbud Showmanship – under 8 years old, participation awards only
  2. Market Hog – no Cloverbuds permitted
    Grand and Reserve Champion Market Hog

Beef Classes:

  1. Showmanship Ages 14-19
  2. Showmanship Ages 11-13
  3. Showmanship Ages 8-10
    Grand and Reserve Champion Showman
  1. Cloverbud Showmanship- under 8 years of age, participation awards only
  2. Feeder Calf(must be under 700 lbs)- will divide by weight if needed- no Cloverbuds
    Grand and Reserve Champion Feeder Calf
  1. Market Steer- no Cloverbuds
    Grand and Reserve Champion Market Steer

Meat Goat Classes:

  1. Showmanship Ages 14-19
  2. Showmanship Ages 11-13
  3. Showmanship Ages 8-10
    Grand and Reserve Champion Showman
  1. Cloverbud Showmanship- under 8 years of age, participation awards only
  2. Market Goat- to be divided by weight- no Cloverbuds
    Grand and Reserve Champion Market Goat

Sheep Classes:

  1. Showmanship Ages 14-19
  2. Showmanship Ages 11-13
  3. Showmanship Ages 8-10
    Grand and Reserve Champion Showman
  1. Cloverbud Showmanship- under 8 years of age, participation awards only
  2. Market Lamb- no Cloverbuds
    Grand and Reserve Champion Market Lamb


Kent County 4-H Livestock Show Rules and Class List
