
Kent County 4-H Leaders Meeting

Leader’s Meeting Update

Our next Leader’s Meeting will be Tuesday, April 20, 2021, starting at 7:00 PM. There are two options to attend:

Attendance Options: 

In-Person –    Harrington Senior Center

                         Doors will open at 6:45 PM

…………………….102 Fleming St., Harrington, DE 19952

…………………….Parking on Railroad Ave.  (Go around the Building to the Back of the Building, which will be Railroad Ave.,

…………………….there is a small parking area there.)


…………………….We ask that you bring a mask (although we will have some on hand) and keep it on for the duration of the

…………………….meeting unless speaking. Also, we ask that you refrain from eating during the meeting.


…………………….We will ask that individuals self-monitor, and the 4-H office will send a list of questions to consider before

…………………….attending. This will be sent to all those who have registered for the meeting; please disregard if you are

…………………….attending through zoom.

On Zoom– Please register in advance for the Zoom Link – Kent County 4-H Leaders Meeting Registration.

*Registration is good for all future meetings*

We will offer both options for the remainder of the year unless directed to make changes to this plan. 

Note: Those who choose to connect via zoom, please feel free to unmute yourself to participate in the meeting as you would normally!  For questions or comments that take place in-person,  we will do our best to re-read or summarize comments in the meeting room, so those on zoom can hear.  In-person participants will be socially distanced, and the speakers might not pick up comments from those sitting in the room.  

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.  kristin@udel.edu 


Meeting Dates:

 May 18

Informal Updates:

June 15 and July 6
