


Please be aware that March 29th  to April 4th  will be our annual $4 for 4-H campaign.  We ask for your support of the Delaware 4-H Program and the many 4-H youth members in our state.  Join us during this time in donating between March 29th  and April 4th to the Delaware 4-H Foundation at the following link:




Please know donations can be accepted for this campaign for any amount, small or large, and collectively, they will enhance and provide tremendous opportunities to our youth members.

We encourage EVERYONE to join us between March 29th  and April 4th to support Delaware 4-H with your donation! Please be sure to share our Facebook and Twitter posts in the upcoming week with all your friends on social media to help spread the message and make others aware of this campaign.  Thank you!


$4 for 4-H Kids holding certificates
