
2021 YQCA Certification Information

All Delaware State Fair junior exhibitors showing a market animal (steer, market lamb, market goat, or market hog) are required to have a current quality assurance certification in order to exhibit in a market class at the Delaware State Fair.  The Swine Department will accept either an existing Youth PQA certification that is still valid through July of 2021 or a current Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) certification. The Youth PQA program no longer exists to train new youth or recertify. The YQCA program is a national certification that now covers all livestock species with a single certification for all youth ages 8-21 nationwide. Program ages are calculated as of January 1 of the current year. Options for obtaining a qualifying quality assurance certification in order to be able to show a market animal at the 2021 DSF are:

  • Ages 5-6– A parent, guardian or responsible adult must have a current quality assurance certification. Options to fulfill this requirement include PQA(Pork Quality Assurance) or BQA (Beef Quality Assurance https://www.bqa.org/certification/online-certification) adult online training or parents can either attend a YQCA classroom training session(email Susan directly to register) with their 5-6-year-old to obtain a valid QA certification to meet the DSF requirement. Please contact Susan Garey if you would like to be granted access to the online Adult PQA certification training to cover youth ages 5-6. An email address is required.
  • Ages 7-18– The youth market exhibitor must have a current YQCA certification obtained either through a YQCA classroom training session or YQCA online.
  • Ages 19-21– The youth market exhibitor must have a current YQCA certification that can only be obtained online as per the YQCA program rules.

Youth YQCA certification is valid for one year. 

In order for youth ages 7-21 to participate in either an online or in-person classroom YQCA training session, they must register and create a profile at http://yqcaprogram.org  For youth age 7-12, parents are required to register their youth on the YQCA website. Once registered select the appropriate class you plan to attend.  Fees will be charged at the time of registration and can be paid by credit card.

The YQCA classroom training costs $3.00 and the online training costs $12.00.  These fees are paid online and go directly to YQCA even if you are attending an in person training.  This should be completed prior to coming to the in-person training. Youth completing the online YQCA training will take the online module that corresponds to their age as of January 1 of the current year.

In order to be able to comply with COVID health protocols and allow sufficient space, in-person training classes will be held at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in 2021. Mask wearing and social distancing between family groups will be enforced during training classes. The following YQCA in-person class training dates have been scheduled for this spring:

  • Thursday, May 27- Delaware State Fairgrounds 6:30-8:00 pm- registration required in advance- must register by May 25
  • Wednesday, June 9- Delaware State Fairgrounds 6:30-8:00 pm- registration required in advance- must register by June 7

Additional date(s) may be added as interest warrants. If you plan on attending any of these sessions, you must register in advance so that we can ensure enough space and training materials.  Please contact Susan Garey truehart@udel.edu or (302)242-1510 if you have any questions or concerns in regards to Quality Assurance/YQCA certification
