Updated Guidance for Delaware 4-H Club Level In-Person Programming

The priority of the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension 4-H Program is to allow for quality educational programming in local 4-H clubs while protecting the health and safety of our youth, families, and volunteers.  In order to conduct in-person club-level programming, all Delaware 4-H Club Volunteer Leaders must comply with all guidance and recommendations provided by the University of Delaware in order to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission among 4-H youth, volunteers, families, and local communities.

Programming must include facilities and practices to enhance physical distancing, including:

  • 6-foot social distancing between youth, volunteers, family members, or guest speakers
  • Contactless check-in upon arrival
    • Limit exchange of materials to and from participants. Have areas with information, materials, and supplies set up in advance for each participant.
  • Hand sanitizer and/or handwashing stations for frequent handwashing
  • For all indoor events, facemasks must be worn by all attendees including youth, volunteers, family members, and any guest speakers
  • Sanitizing of seating areas, tables, any shared use equipment and supplies
    • Implement separate supplies and equipment for each participant when possible. If not possible, sanitation of equipment and supplies shared between users is required.  Seating and work area for participants should remain constant throughout the activity to reduce the need to sanitize these areas.
  • Participants at any 4-H in-person event should not congregate in groups

Participants are required to bring their own masks. Masks must cover both the mouth and nose. If the workshop is held outdoors, masks must be worn when any person is unable to maintain a distance of six feet or more. If any participant is unable to wear a mask, they are encouraged to attend via an online platform if available.

The number of people in attendance of any 4-H in-person activity cannot exceed the following guidelines:

  • Indoor Activities 25 people
  • Outdoor Activities 50 people


Based on the current state guidelines as of February 19, 2021, for INDOOR ACTIVITIES, a Club Leader will need to implement the following guidelines:

  • For any clubs meeting or doing activities in HOMES, the number of individuals allowed to be in attendance for that activity remains capped at 10 people.
  • For clubs meeting or doing activities in OTHER COMMUNITY SITES, the number of individuals allowed to be in attendance for that activity will now be based on 50% of the venue’s stated fire capacity, up to the 25 individuals allowed by our 4-H guidelines.

Please use the following examples to help you determine the approved number of individuals you are permitted to have at a meeting or activity at a community site venue:

Fire Capacity              50% Capacity Limit for Individuals          4-H In-Person Limit

300                            ………………  150                                                      25

200                          ………………    100                                                      25

100                       ………………       50                                                        25

50                          ………………      25                                                        25

20                         ………………       10                                                        10

10                        ……………..          5                                                          5


Club leaders will need to ascertain the fire capacity of a venue where they plan to meet to determine how many individuals are permitted to be in attendance.



The new updated State of Delaware Outdoor guidelines are limited to 50 individuals.  Based on this information, our current 4-H guidelines are not affected in this area of programming.

The attendance number is inclusive of youth, volunteers, family members and guests.   An attendance sheet for Indoor Activities (Attachment A) and Outdoor Activities (Attachment B) must always be taken for formal documentation of meeting size and accountability.  Attendance sheets must be filed and maintained by the respective 4-H Club Volunteer Leader.

Based on currently available CDC information and clinical expertise, older adults (65 and older) and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.  These individuals should consider implementing additional protective protocols or limit their participation in any Delaware 4-H in-person activities.

To protect the health and safety of program participants, individuals may not attend 4-H in-person activities if within the past fourteen (14) days they have:

  • Cared for someone who is/was ill with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19 without using appropriate PPE.
  • Been contacted by someone about your possible exposure to COVID-19.
  • Attended a large (12+) gathering with people outside your household without practicing physical distancing and wearing a mask.
  • Been in close contact (<6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 without using appropriate PPE
  • Tested positive for COVID-19 and not yet met CDC guidelines related to ending isolation (10 days since positive test, fever free for 24 hours and 72 hours of improving symptoms).

We ask that participants self-monitor and do not attend if you have any of these symptoms at the time of the in-person event or activity:

  • Fever (body temperature of 99.5 degrees F (37.5 degrees C) or higher)
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Signage to use at the entrance of your 4-H meeting location in included for the participant self-monitoring health screening (Attachment C).

Additional important considerations to follow include the following:

  • Clubs should hold 4-H activities outdoors whenever possible
  • 4-H activities cannot be conducted at any University of Delaware building or facility at the current time unless approved by UD.
  • We suggest that the meeting time should be no more than 1.5 hours
  • We strongly discourage serving food at in-person 4-H activities. Participants are permitted to bring their own water bottle, clearly labeled with their name.

No in-person activities or events can be mandatory. There will be youth and families who are not comfortable meeting in person at this time. It is critical that individual decisions are respected, and pressure is not applied, or opportunities withheld, due to a decision not to participate.  By following these protocols, we can meet our goal of allowing in-person local club programming in a safe environment.

4-H Volunteers are asked to contact their respective County 4-H Educator or the State 4-H Program Leader should you have any situations that develop at a 4-H programming event related to COVID-19 in order that we may assist you in handling any situations or concerns that may arise.


These recommendations are based on the best available guidance through the DPH and CDC at this time and are subject to change as new information becomes available.



Updated Guidance with Attendance Sheets
