Dear 4-H Families,
Spring is getting closer! The days will start getting longer, and we are hopeful that Delaware 4-H State Camps will happen (although we wont know for sure until a bit later). Below are some important events, announcements and reminders!
National Agri Science Summit (Virtually March 4-6, 2021)
Congratulations to the following 4-Hers selected to attend the National Agri-Science Summit!
Elizabeth Pallmann
Ainsley West
Sydney Phipps
Madison Johnson
Kaitlyn Johnson
Gail Hermeneau- adult chaperone
History Preserved https://delawarestatenews-de.newsmemory.com/
In case you missed the front cover of the Delaware State News, Saturday, Feb 27.
Westville 4-H Leader, Kim Gaines and her husband John, were recognized for helping to preserve the memory of 14 (or so) individuals buried in an unmarked vacant lot, next to the animal hospital they own, in Dover. Kim and John were planning on new construction for the animal hospital, until they learned about the history of the property they purchased years ago.
“Archaeological and archival studies performed determined that the quarter-acre slice of land off Sharon Hill Road was the former location of Carlisle African Methodist Episcopal Church and Cemetery. Though the anthropologist found 14 gravesites on the lot, the full extent of burials is unknown and may extend beyond the current property lines.
The Rev. Dr. Erika Crawford, pastor of Mount Zion AME Church in downtown Dover, said it was nice that the owners of the property, John and Dr. Kimberly Gaines, and the state made sure that history was preserved at the site. Officials with the Delaware Public Archives felt it would be the perfect place for the 685th historical marker it has placed throughout the state since the inception of the marker program in 1931.”
Judging Contests
Foods, Woodworking and Photography Judging Contests: April 13
Wildlife, Horticulture and Clothing Judging Contests: May 12
Some of you might have attended the Foods Judging Contest review last night, with Kaitlin Klair. There will be one more contest review session on Tuesday, March 30th, junior session at 6pm and senior session at 7pm. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/fj2DRxL51R4De9Bx8
Photography Judging Training Workshops
Virtual Judging Training Kit Overview – Tuesday, March 9 at 6:30 pm via Zoom – Register by March 8
Club Leaders and members can join us to review the entire Virtual Photography Judging Training Kit. We will be going over all sections and answering any questions about the kit.
Photography Judging Review – Tuesday, April 6 via Zoom – Register by April 2
6:30pm for members taking the Junior portion
7:30 pm for members taking the Senior portion
We will be reviewing sections of the judging kit to help prepare members for the upcoming judging contest. During this session, members will be able to test their knowledge of Photography by using games, flashcards, and other interactive activities.
Wildlife Contest review will be offered for Kent and Sussex Counties on Tuesday May 4, register no later than May 2nd. https://forms.gle/vwqnx1aUVdCHbwmK7
Information about how to sign up for Kent County Judging Contests:
Information about contests, visit the Resource Page on the Kent County Clover Blog
National Drug Facts Contests – Entries Due 3/15
Learn to Code with Scratch – Thursday’s starting 3/18
Indoor Archery Championship
https://sites.udel.edu/kentcountyclover/2021/02/02/delaware-state-archery-championship-march-26-28/ Registration deadline 3/19
Delaware 4-H State Camp Newsletter
https://sites.udel.edu/kentcountyclover/2021/02/25/2021-state-camp-newsletter-and-application/ Camp registration will open April 1; register early and confirm your spot with online payment. Available slots have been reduced this year.
Delaware 4-H Foundation Academic Scholarship
The 2021 Delaware 4-H Foundation Academic Scholarships. Attached is the announcement and application. The completed application form, most recent transcript, and two current reference letters are due to the State 4-H Office by May 1, 2021 via the University of Delaware’s Dropbox.
Please contact Caroline for the announcement and application or watch for it on the blog.
In-Person Meeting Guide
Although we are optimistic that our communities will begin opening up more and more, there are still important meeting guidelines to follow. When you have 4-H in-person events, please continue to practice these precautions.
Have you Considered Starting Your Own Club?
If you’ve ever thought about starting your own club, now is the time! Contact our office, or send me an email, and we can walk you through the process. You will be all set to start with the new 4-H year, this September!
Other notes:
Litter Barrel Contest – Barrels must be in place by April 18
Demonstrations – May 6 (watch for registration information to be released by April 1)
Favorite Foods – Still on the docket to be held at a future date
Basket Auction – Still on the docket to be held at a future date.
Clothing Showcase – Still on the docket to be held this summer. Happy Sewing!
Your friend in 4-H,
Kristin Cook
Extension Educator, 4-H and Youth Development
University of Delaware, Cooperative Extension
69 Transportation Circle
Dover, De 19901
Office: 302.730.4000
Important Information, Meeting Dates, and Deadlines Listed Below (click on the link for detailed information)
Re-enrollment Deadline- March 1st
Leader’s Meeting, Tuesday, March 16th
Junior Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 23rd
Kent County Judging Contests Registration
Updated Guidance for DE 4-H Club Level In-Person Programming
2021 State Camp Newsletter and Application
Delaware 4-H Science Resources
Delaware 4-H Foundation Grant Request Due March 1st
Celebrate Teens in Your Community with $5K
Junior Duck Stamp Entries due March 15th
Food Judging Training, March 2nd
National Drug Facts Contests – Entries due March 15th
Lunch and Learns for Adults in March
Learn to Code with Scratch- March 18- April 29
Club Spotlight- Country Clovers 4-H Club
April is National Volunteer Month
4th H for Health March Newsletter
JoAnn Fabric Pay it FOURWARD March 1 – April 30
Agriculture Career Exploration for High School Members
2021 George W. Scott II Memorial State 4-H Camp Scholarship
2021 Arbor Day Poster Contest & Free Seedling Program
2021 Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity- 1st Payment Due Feb. 15th
Delaware State Archery Championship- March 26-28
National 4-H Beekeeping essay- Due March 15th
Delaware 4-H Judging Contest Resources
Favorite Foods Contest (updated – postponed)
Poultry Project Group – Registration Required
In-Person Club Meeting Guidance
National Conference Opportunities
Teen Health and Wellness Ambassador Training March 2nd and 4th
2020 American Ninja Warrior Champion Daniel Gil-March 24th