Dear 4-H’ers, Parents, and Leaders,
As I write this note, we are approaching the Kent County 4-H Public Speaking Contest. There is a change this year, and the event will be hosted at the Delaware Agriculture Museum. We would like to publicly thank the museum for their ongoing support of Delaware 4-H, and I thank the Leaders Association for agreeing to make a monetary donation to the museum.
As February approaches, we are expecting entries for the Favorite Foods Contest, the deadline to enter is February 5th. Late entries will not be accepted for this event, please submit them early. We will also be holding the annual photography contest, the deadline to enter is February 9th (either hardcopy or digital submission). Favorite Foods will be on March 6 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds. There will be no large gathering for awards, the results for both the Favorite Foods and Photography Contest will be shared online.
In case you missed the announcement, the Volunteer Leader Forum will not take place this year, but watch for other volunteer development opportunities throughout the year. The State Teen Conference will be an online opportunity, held on February 13, please be sure to sign up teens to attend this!
Looking ahead, 4-Hers are busy working on the Diamond Clover Programs, studying for Horse Bowl (which will be virtual), and preparing for a variety of spring events, discussed further below. Please remember that the clothing showcase has been moved to the summer time frame. Now is also the time for teens to consider submitting a State Record Book, to be considered for attending National 4-H Congress, these are due in March. Please contact the office if you would like more information or help with this, it is a great opportunity for teens.
We have tentative dates scheduled for spring, but please know that this schedule is fluid, and is dependent on state and UD guidelines/approvals. April 13 is scheduled for Woodworking Judging and Photography Judging, at the 4-H office. April 18 is the date litter barrels should be in place if your club is planning to participate. Watch for additional resources to help teach content around litter awareness and Earth day! County Demonstrations are tentatively scheduled for May 6 at the 4-H office. Make-Up demonstration opportunities will be available, and scheduled on an individual basis, for only categories remaining after the May 6 competition. The final judging contests will be held May 12, this includes Wildlife Judging and Horticulture Judging, contests will be held at the 4-H office. Finally, the window display contest will take place in May (but then will move to fall each year). We ask that window displays are in place by May 31 (this is a holiday, but displays can be set up prior to this date). Finally, fingers crossed that Delaware 4-H will be able to deliver the great camp experiences we know and love, during the summer months!
If the 4-H office can help in any way, please feel free to reach out to us!
Yours in 4-H,
Kristin Cook, Extension Educator, 4-H & Youth Development
Important Information, Meeting Dates, and Deadlines Listed Below (click on the link for detailed information)
Delaware 4-H Science Resources
Virtual State Teen Conference, February 13, 2021
Delaware 4-H Mission to Mars Series
Cancellation of the 2021 Leader Forum
February Science Activity- 4-H Space Exploration
Delaware 4-H Foundation Grant Request Due March 1st
State Camp Scholarship Application
Re-enrollment Deadline- March 1st
Celebrate Teens in Your Community with $5K
2021 Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity- 1st Payment Due Feb. 15th
Delaware State Archery Championship- March 26-28
Junior Council meeting, February 23rd
Leader’s Meeting, February 16th
2021 Kent County 4-H Public Speaking results
National Beekeeping Essay Due March 15th
Kent County 4-H Clubs Donate to Local Code Purple
23rd Annual Kent County 4-H Basket Auction
Northeast Teen Virtual Meet & Greet – February 4th
National 4-H Beekeeping essay- Due March 15th
Northeast 4-H SPIN Club Workshop – February 24th
Operation Christmas Child – February donation
Delaware 4-H’ers Compete at State 4-H Hippology Contest
Delaware 4-H Judging Contest Resources
Club Spotlight- Heritage 4-H Club
4th H for Health February Newsletter
February Financial Literacy Tips
Poultry Project Group – Registration Required
In-Person Club Meeting Guidance
National Conference Opportunities
Teen Health and Wellness Ambassador Training March 2nd and 4th